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Actualization of the issues of the telecommunication sphere development of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The telecommunications industry is one of the few sectors of the national economy that has managed to survive a period of general decline in the national economy and is currently an attractive niche for attracting investment. This industry is characterized as the “circulatory” system of the state. In addition, the telecommunications industry is the most important sector of the economy, ensuring the functioning and coordination of all government systems and, of course, is currently designated as dynamically developing. All this determines the interest and relevance for the author's research. The article discusses the conceptual construct of studying the real sector of the economy in the framework of management approaches. The main positions of the Strategic Plan for the Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan up to 2025 and the «Digital Kazakhstan» Program in the framework of the strategic planning of the national economy are stipulated and specified. The development of the telecommunications market, which is becoming the most important element of the economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and strengthening the country's authority in the international community, has been systematized. On the example of «KazTransCom» JSC, the production activity of a telecommunications enterprise is shown taking into account the use of elements of
modern management, including the competency model. The author’s research results are shown, the goal of which is the achievement of strategic goals by the personnel of a particular enterprise. The article discusses the issues of qualitative growth of the telecommunications system, the competitiveness of the industry. Attention is focused on modern industry trends and prospects. According to the results of the study, relevant conclusions were drawn related to the feasibility of monitoring.

About the Author

A. К. Maralov
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
PhD student


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For citations:

Maralov A.К. Actualization of the issues of the telecommunication sphere development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(4):240-244.

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)