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Using digital technologies in energy industry


Within the framework of one of the main directions of the implementation of the state program “Digital Kazakhstan”, the digitalization of the economic sectors is envisaged, the tasks of which include the construction and effective functioning of an intelligent energy system. The modern global economy is undergoing a cultural shift towards digital transformation, where the main processes are being transferred to digital businesses, which are providing technical optimization, new revenue streams and opportunities for creating value. The authors of the article consider the issues of introducing digital technologies into the activities of enterprises in the energy industry. It is noted that, despite the understanding of the relevance of digitalization, the digital maturity of industry enterprises is still insufficient, which increases the importance of combining industry enterprises in a consortium.This article substantiates the use of digital technologies in the energy sector to solve traditional problems: coverage of services of energy companies in all regions of the country, ensuring an uninterrupted and sufficient volume of energy supply services, reducing the price level and protecting the environment. The authors identified and substantiated the main factors of the digital transformation of energy systems: digitalization, decentralization and decarbonization. The article formulates the criteria for the transition of an enterprise to the digital status and notes its advantages. The article outlines the main digital transformation technologies and their application features: artificial intelligence, blockchain, Big Data and data management. It presents the facts of foreign practice of digitalization of the energy industry.

About the Authors

A. T. Tleuberdinova
Turan University
d.e.s., professor

V. B. Kulik
Turan University
c.t.s., associate professor

K. V. Kulik
Turan University
PhD student


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For citations:

Tleuberdinova A.T., Kulik V.B., Kulik K.V. Using digital technologies in energy industry. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(4):245-249.

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)