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Human factor in the context of social crisis management: modern approach


The purpose of this work is to study the role of the human factor in crisis management. Crisis is an objective phenomenon in the socio-economic system. This view is consistent with the understanding that the functioning and development of the socio-economic system is based on controlled human activity. The desire to effectively manage it can be expressed in the desire to expand the scope of management, i.e. to reduce the share of unmanaged processes. Crisis is an inevitable and normal phenomenon for the market organization of the economy, but it is completely abnormal for society in its fundamental anti – human socio-Darwinian essence, destroying and destroying the spiritual basis of the development of society. Crisis is always considered a fall to a greater or lesser extent, a departure or a jump back, a surrender of positions. According to many western researchers, educational readiness is more effective in the production and use of their "health capital" by people: they lead a healthy lifestyle, choose professions that are not too dangerous and harmful for them, etc. In addition, higher education and health status can have an independent
impact in any situation.

About the Authors

М. Т. Nurmaganbetova
Turan University
PhD student

L. A. Tussupova
Turan University
d.e.s., professor


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For citations:

Nurmaganbetova М.Т., Tussupova L.A. Human factor in the context of social crisis management: modern approach. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(4):265-268. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)