
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Effectiveness of customer loyalty


This article examines the issues of consumer loyalty, taking into account Kazakhstan's experience in hospitality, examines the loyal programs of well-known hotels in the country, analyzes the research of several authors in the framework of the previous loyal topics. For the hospitality industry, which is currently developing in large volumes, it is important to study customer loyalty and think through the right program. When writing the article, the methods of theoretical analysis and generalization were used. The content, criteria of loyalty are examined theoretically. Sustainable consumer incentive programs are common in Kazakhstan hotels. A well-thought-out marketing policy aimed at retaining and attracting new guests significantly increases the load on the hotel and makes it more attractive for corporate clients. With the introduction of so-called loyalty programs, domestic hotels of the same use foreign experience and their know-how. Currently, the hotel can use the following tools to establish close contact with the customer and meet their needs. To encourage regular guests, it isrecommended that the hotel keep a record of repeated customer requests. To do this, the hotel must develop a special program that constantly stores all information about customers who have rooms. After receiving all the necessary information about the participants of such a program, you can send them to the hotel with special offers for hotels and congratulate them on holidays and anniversaries. Address mail, interactive communication, and personalization of guests must continue from the moment of planning a trip to the hotel and after the client arrives at the hotel. The implementation of research results in practice is the main result of the study. The use of the research results discussed in this article to increase the loyalty of guests in the hotel business of the country is the scientific result of the study.

About the Authors

A. A. Ramazanov
Almaty Technological University

d.e.s., professor


Sh. Aldabergen
Almaty Technological University

Master's student



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For citations:

Ramazanov A.A., Aldabergen Sh. Effectiveness of customer loyalty. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(1):136-144. (In Kazakh)

Views: 704

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)