Regional unemployment and state employment regulation
The purpose of the article is to study a unique and planned sphere of life of social and economic society in the regional labor market. As it also covers the market of workforce directly connected to production, the concepts unemployment and workplace safety are important. The loss of work means low quality of life and the instability of the economy for many people. Employment determines the content of important aspects of social development to meet the needs of people in the labor market. The article emphasizes that the main policy of the state in regulating the labor market is the implementation of an employment policy for the entire population that preserves the natural level of employment, does not allow the emergence of cyclical employment, the formation of a “flexible market” that quickly adapts to internal and external changes, allowing to maintain stability and management. This compared to the traditional market creates conditions for flexible employee management in conditions of incomplete working day, temporary employment, replacement. On this flexible market, every citizen, looking for work, is obliged to find a workplace that meets its requests. In the labor market, public policy goes in two directions. Active training and retraining in order to create new jobs, ensuring employment and deliverance from unemployment. This can include events implemented in the framework of programs in our country. Passive is support for unoccupied citizens by providing social benefits. The main methods applied by the state in providing regional employment include stimulating investment in the economy, depending on the specifics of each region, which is the main condition for creating new jobs.
About the Authors
S. S. TleuberdiyevaKazakhstan
PhD, associate professor
R. S. Mussina
c.e.s., associate professor deputy
A. B. Moldasheva
c.e.s., associate professor
G. S. Kodasheva
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For citations:
Tleuberdiyeva S.S., Mussina R.S., Moldasheva A.B., Kodasheva G.S. Regional unemployment and state employment regulation. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(3):28-32.