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Analysis and assessment of housing affordability in the Republic of Kazakhstan


The aim of the study is to study theoretical and methodological approaches to the influence of the state program of housing construction on determining the affordability of housing for the population. Construction objects, as well as housing construction objects, lose their profitability and are not sold after delivery. The resulting decline in demand further aggravates the situation. The study analyzes the provision of housing in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also makes calculations to determine the affordability of housing in the country. The article discusses the main indicators of the development of the housing construction industry: domestic production and consumption and market size in the Republic of Kazakhstan.The contribution to the development of the housing construction industry comes mainly from investments in the construction industry. The State Program also provides for the construction of rental housing, in accordance with standard projects for the construction of 5 and 9-storey large-panel frame houses using industrial housing technology. One of the most acute social problems in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the availability and provision of housing. This indicator depends on such factors as: the high income stratification of the population, the rate of construction of housing in the country at the regional level. The issues of housing provision in the regions of Kazakhstan were addressed through the implementation of the Regional Development Program 2020 and the state program of infrastructural development “Nurly zher”.

About the Authors

K. A. Tazabekov
Turan University

 c.e.s, professor 


M. K. Zhamkeeva
JSC KIEC “QazIndustry”

 PhD, chief expert 


M. Zh. Konyrbekov
Turan University

 PhD, associate professor 



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For citations:

Tazabekov K.A., Zhamkeeva M.K., Konyrbekov M.Zh. Analysis and assessment of housing affordability in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(3):33-42. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)