Methodological aspects of strategic analysis of agricultural enterprise development
The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of factors of the internal and external environment of the functioning of an agricultural enterprise on the effectiveness of its development by the most significant indicator – profit from sales. The fundamental importance of the business strategies chosen by the organization for profit is emphasized. The authors of the article believe that a strategic analysis of the development of the enterprise, based on the assessment of the impact of not only production indicators, but also taking into account the assessment of the impact of environmental factors: market size, market share of the enterprise, prices and sales structure, will significantly improve the quality of enterprise resource management. The obtained results of such a factor analysis of the profit from sales make it possible to form a flexible strategy for the development of the enterprise, allowing it to be adjusted, if necessary, to revise the assumptions underlying the achievement of the planned profit level, to identify planning inaccuracies and to determine the consequences of changes in the influence of external and internal factors. The main research methods used were traditional basic methods used for preliminary information processing: systematization, comparison of economic indicators, study of indicators in dynamics, factor analysis of functional dependencies. At the same time, from a scientific point of view, the system of factor analysis at the strategic level is of the greatest interest. It has an interdisciplinary nature and is used in the practice of marketing, strategic management, and strategic planning. This circumstance, in turn, predetermined the purpose of the study. The scientific novelty of the research is identifying promising areas for improving and introducing the method of factor analysis into the system of strategic management of the development and positioning of agricultural formations, which allows effectively modernizing the economy of the agro-industrial complex (AIC).
About the Authors
B. S. UtibayevKazakhstan
c.s.s., professor
A. Ye. Akhmetova
Master of sciences, senior lecturer
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For citations:
Utibayev B.S., Akhmetova A.Ye. Methodological aspects of strategic analysis of agricultural enterprise development. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(3):151-160. (In Russ.)