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The impact of the pandemic on he development of women’s entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan


The consequences of the declared pandemic, which led to the COVID–19 outbreak, a year later showed changes in almost all areas, especially in such areas as health, economy, education, business, etc. The purpose of the study is to consider the impact of the pandemic on the development of women’s entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan, what consequences women’s business faced, what measures were taken and how effective they were, including measures of state support for entrepreneurship in general. If in 2019 there was a difference in the financing of projects headed by women and men (the gender gap in funding in 2019 was almost 80%, and in 2020 – 96%), then the preliminary situation for 2020 shows that the crisis is equally felt by both men and women entrepreneurs. Given that while there are some operational data for 2020, it is difficult to immediately determine which of the economic measures were the most effective, which were less effective, and this is due to the fact that the pandemic period is not over, and their effectiveness depends on the epidemiological situation in the regions of the republic. In general, the measures are ineffective for reasons of insufficient awareness of small and medium-sized businesses, not falling into the category to which these or other measures apply, or the measures provided were not sufficiently significant in comparison with the losses. Government support measures taken by countries include a wide range, but the most effective financial measures.

About the Authors

A. A. Mussulmankulova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

 PhD student 


G. N. Sansyzbayeva
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

 d.е.s, professor 



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For citations:

Mussulmankulova A.A., Sansyzbayeva G.N. The impact of the pandemic on he development of women’s entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(3):166-173. (In Russ.)

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