Impact of the COVID–19 pandemic on the life expectancy of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The purpose of the article is to identify factors affecting life expectancy of the population in the context of the COVID–19 pandemic. Today the main aim all of humanity and each country individually is to improve and prolong human health. It should be noted that health, first of all, is the basis of normal human life. This is a multidimensional process that reflects the mental, physical and socio-economic well-being of people and the country as a whole, realizing themselves in society, covering the social, demographic and medical spheres. In addition, human health is the most important problem of society, labor potential and human capital. In connection with such issues, this article conducts a correlation analysis of factors affecting life expectancy in the Republic of Kazakhstan during COVID–19. This analysis shows that there is a significant and strong correlation between life expectancy, on the one hand, the level of digital literacy of the population and health care costs, on the other hand. Such factors as the number of doctors of all specialties and the number of medical staff positively affected the life expectancy of the population. Factors such as the number of hospital beds and the number of hospital organizations showed a negative relationship. Therefore, improving people’s health, increasing their life expectancy in modern conditions require significant improvement of the healthcare system, the introduction of digital technologies, medical information systems, as well as improving the digital literacy of the population.
About the Authors
A. S. OmirKazakhstan
PhD student
A. A. Satybaldin
d.e.s., professor, academician
G. U. Khadzhieva
c.e.s., professor
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For citations:
Omir A.S., Satybaldin A.A., Khadzhieva G.U. Impact of the COVID–19 pandemic on the life expectancy of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(3):174-179. (In Kazakh)