Advanced project management approaches for implementation into the public administration system of Kazakhstan
The article discusses the main approaches to program and project management that are used in the UK, Russia and Malaysia. This review was conducted to identify best practices for Kazakhstan. The purpose of this article was a brief overview of the approaches to managing programs and projects in a number of developed countries of the world to determine the most optimal of them in the system of public administration in Kazakhstan. The review was conducted from the point of view of organizational interaction between structural units in the implementation of programs and projects, ensuring transparency of ongoing processes, and ways of involving stakeholders in the project. Also, a brief review of the project management standards in the countries under consideration was carried out. When writing the article, a general scientific research method was used, namely, the comparative-comparative method of the considered approaches to project management in a number of developed economies of the world. The legislative base in terms of the new concept of public administration development is analyzed. As a result of the research, the author identified the experience of Malaysia. The effective approach to the management of national reforms and projects, developed by the PEMANDU Institute, most fully reflects the principles laid down in the new vision of the state development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author has given a specific recommendation regarding amendments to legal acts.
About the Author
A. E. KartovKazakhstan
Phd student
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For citations:
Kartov A.E. Advanced project management approaches for implementation into the public administration system of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(3):207-215. (In Russ.)