Management strategy of healthcare organizations. PDRQ–9 method
The main source of success for a customer-centric organization is the ability to identify its customers, identify their needs, and use that information to develop a customer-centric strategy. In this regard, there is a widespread change in attitudes toward the construction of management in organizations. Whereas previously the competitiveness of an organization could be measured by its financial performance, now the intellectual potential of an organization is at the forefront. As the role of the patient in the health care system has intensified, the importance of patient participation has received increasing attention and has become central to health care research. In this regard, in today’s environment, the foundation of success in the treatment and delivery of professional care in medicine is primarily the degree of patient satisfaction. Patient-centered care acts as a new paradigm for the development of the health care system, which is characterized by a shift in the center of gravity to the patient. In this regard, in the field of health care, the relationship between the patient and the doctor, as perceived by the patient, is one of the main elements of the methodology of scientific research. The purpose of this article is to review and analyze the results of the PDRQ–9, which assesses the patient-physician relationship. The PDRQ–9 provides researchers with a brief assessment of the therapeutic aspects of the patient-physician relationship in the primary care setting. It is a valuable tool for research and practice purposes that includes monitoring the patient-doctor relationship.
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For citations:
Karibdzhanov Ch.E. Management strategy of healthcare organizations. PDRQ–9 method. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(3):243-248. (In Russ.)