Evaluation of the guess project results (global student entrepreneurship survey) in the context of the influence of primary career experience on graduate choice (international aspect)
The purpose of the article is to evaluate the results of the GUESSS project in the context of building career plans for students. The GUESSS project explores the entrepreneurial spirit of students globally and spans 54 countries around the world. The materials of the project are used to carry out scientific works and publications in the world’s leading journals. Entrepreneurship has become an important part of the learning process. The development of students’ entrepreneurial skills is of great importance at the present stage. OECD countries take into account and develop their youth entrepreneurship programs based on projects like GUESSS. Current labor market trends are destroying utopian models of “well-paid” jobs in a global competitive environment. Digitalization, the economy of smart cities, sustainable development and shared consumption, new trends in healthcare, retail, mass communications and tourism create new opportunities for the development of private entrepreneurship. In the study of the career preferences of students from different countries, one can consider the general tendencies characteristic of modern youth. The article assesses the career preferences of five different countries that are very different in terms of GDP, demographic and socio-cultural characteristics. The assessment of changes in the career preferences of students immediately after graduation and five years after gaining career experience is carried out.
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For citations:
Nurkeyev A.S. Evaluation of the guess project results (global student entrepreneurship survey) in the context of the influence of primary career experience on graduate choice (international aspect). Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(3):258-263. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.46914/1562-2959-2021-1-3-258-263