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A study of the degree of customer satisfaction with hotel services during COVID


The purpose of the article is to develop proposals to increase the degree of satisfaction of hotel services consumers during COVID among residents of Kazakhstan and Russia. The article examines the issues of service, service, cost and quality of services of hotel enterprises, including measures to counteract coronavirus infection. Marketing research was conducted in the third quarter of 2021, the methodology for determining the degree of satisfaction consisted of six stages. The research results have shown that, despite the existing mobility restrictions in the studied countries, the economically active population feels the need for attractive emotions, rest, and a change of scenery. The survey data showed that the epidemiological situation in the examined countries impacted tourist trips over the past year and a half. The respondents noted the need to comply with health safety measures. The choice of recreation and accommodation facilities was influenced by the cost of PCR analysis, especially for families traveling with children, and the availability of a vaccination passport. Also, in the conditions of COVID, the choice of consumers was made in favor of personal vehicles. This period has increased the demand for domestic tourism facilities. However, most previous consumers’ requirements for services have remained the same – for quality of service, cost, and friendly attitude. The respondents attributed to the key factors: hotel location, clean rooms, and quality of food. 85% of respondents are satisfied with the hotel services and measures of safe stay. Conclusions and recommendations based on the study findings can be applied by the enterprises providing hotel and catering services.

About the Authors

Zh. S. Rakhimbekova
Almaty Management University

c.e.s., associate professor deputy


T. B. Klimova
Belgorod State National Research University
Russian Federation

c.e.s., аssociate professor


O. M. Zaluchyonova
«Turan» University

c.e.s., аssociate professor


А. V. Lipovka
Almaty Management University

junior research fellow, senior lecturer



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For citations:

Rakhimbekova Zh.S., Klimova T.B., Zaluchyonova O.M., Lipovka А.V. A study of the degree of customer satisfaction with hotel services during COVID. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(4):161-169. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)