Assessment of the level of urbanization of the region of Kazakhstan: index method
The study of urbanization is a hot topic, since it is a global trend, and the concentration of economic, innovative, scientific, social activities can significantly increase the efficiency of the economy. The purpose of the study is to assess the level of urbanization of the regions of Kazakhstan, to identify the difference between the regions, as well as the reasons for this difference in order to conduct a more balanced policy in the field of urbanization. The study involves the use of an index method for assessing the level of urbanization. As primary data, such indicators as the total population and the urban population were used. Secondary data were obtained by calculating the number of cities with the corresponding number of inhabitants in the region. The results of the study made it possible to identify significant disproportions in the levels of urbanization of the regions of Kazakhstan, due to various factors, the most significant of which are geographical features. In addition, the results show the following areas of lagging behind some cities in terms of urbanization: a high share of self-employment, high cost of living compared to rural areas against the background of low incomes of rural residents, which together limit the migration of the rural population to cities. By including the number of cities and their sizes in the index, we were able to rank the cities of Kazakhstan according to the following levels of urbanization: very high; high; average; low and very low.
About the Authors
A. Zh. PanzabekovaKazakhstan
c.e.s., associate professor, leading researcher
I. D. Turgel
Russian Federation
d.e.s., professor
Zh. G. Imangali
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For citations:
Panzabekova A.Zh., Turgel I.D., Imangali Zh.G. Assessment of the level of urbanization of the region of Kazakhstan: index method. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(3):95-107. (In Russ.)