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Foreign experience if the formation and development of tourist clusters


Today, world practice shows that the formation of tourist clusters is one of the most effective ways not only to develop the territory for tourism purposes, but also to create unique conditions for the sustainable development of regional tourism in the long term. However, the process of cluster formation is quite complicated and necessitates the definition of clear mechanisms for integrating activities between tourism enterprises and state, educational, scientific and other public organizations involved in the cluster structure. Therefore, each country that implements the tourism clustering policy has developed its own experience in this area and creates a cluster based on the specifics of the relations formed between the local business community and the state. In this regard, the main purpose of writing this article is to review the foreign practice of clustering the tourism sector and identify the specific features of the various existing models of tourism clusters. From the scientific and practical point of view, the significance of the presented work is determined by identification of the distinctive properties of tourist clusters that contribute to a considerable increase in the attractiveness of the area for vacationers. As part of the study of the formation and development of tourist clusters in Europe, the USA and Asia, methods of comparative analysis, analogy and theoretical generalization were used.The value of study is that the results of study can be used as an information base in the course of determining the priorities for the development of tourism clusters in domestic practice.

About the Authors

А. Kh. Mukanov
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian national university

PhD student


D. А. Seidualin
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian national university

c.e.s., professor


L. M. Mutalieva
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian national university

c.e.s., professor 



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For citations:

Mukanov А.Kh., Seidualin D.А., Mutalieva L.M. Foreign experience if the formation and development of tourist clusters. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(3):132-144. (In Russ.)

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