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Innovative development of ethno-tourism in Ulytau


Kazakhstan is a multinational country where the cultural customs and traditions of its people are successfully coexisting. Having rich cultural, historical, and natural resources, Kazakhstan faces the task of developing a modern tourism industry capable of attracting domestic and foreign tourists. Tourism is one of the most profitable sectors of the world economy and generates the creation of new highly profitable jobs. The article focuses on the development of ethno-tourism, as this type of tourism allows tourists to get acquainted with their own culture and the national color of other peoples, strengthen tolerant and interethnic relations.Since the tourist product consists of tangible and intangible components, there is not enough scientific information on the study of the development of innovations in this area, including theoretical gap in the field of innovative development of ethnotourism. This study is aimed to research innovative development of ethno-tourism in Ulytau region. In this article, were used some research methods as comparisons and SWOT analysis, statistical analysis and etc. Ulytau is a newly formed region of Kazakhstan, the innovative development of which is relevant. Possessing a rich variety of cultural, historical, and natural resources, Ulytau has a big chance to become a popular tourist destination for both domestic and foreign ethno-tourists. Analyzing the development of ethno-tourism in Ulytau, it was observed that there is no well-prepared ethno-tourist product for travelers, furthermore, considered the ways of innovative development of ethno-tourism in the region.

About the Authors

R. A. Mukatova
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

PhD student 


K. P. Mussina
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

c.e.s., associate professor 


M. Rodríguez
University of Córdoba




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For citations:

Mukatova R.A., Mussina K.P., Rodríguez M. Innovative development of ethno-tourism in Ulytau. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(3):145-160.

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