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Personnel management of an educational institution as a strategic function and a factor ensuring its competitiveness


It is shown that the management of people, especially in educational institutions, needs a creative approach. Such an approach, for example, can be based on the individualization of employee motivation, which will certainly have a positive impact on long-term prospects when making all decisions concerning the development of the personnel potential of the educational institutions as a whole. Thus, the management or administration of personnel is one of the priority areas of management of modern organizations, including educational institutions – schools, colleges, universities. It is shown that the main factor influencing the increase in productivity of scientific and pedagogical staff is motivation. It is established that the formation of effective motivation is possible only due to a developed system of incentives, which implies the motivation of the SPW to perform tasks specific to universities. It is also established that the methods of management of educational institutions should first of all be focused on improving the efficiency of using the potential of scientific and pedagogical workers (SPW). It is depicted that for effective motivation management it is necessary to combine material methods of encouragement with non-material ones. Therefore, in order for qualified specialists to work in universities, they should be trained, and systematically, creating the necessary organizational, informational and methodological prerequisites for this. As a result, a new category of professional managers will appear – people who are able to solve issues of organization and management of higher education in new conditions.

About the Author

N. B. Izbassova
S.Yessenov Caspian University of Technologies and Engineering




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For citations:

Izbassova N.B. Personnel management of an educational institution as a strategic function and a factor ensuring its competitiveness. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(3):271-282. (In Kazakh)

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