Current state of housing construction and its availability in Kazakhstan
The purpose of this article is to analyze the development of housing construction and assess the affordability of housing at the present stage. The paper presents the results of a study of the state of the volume of the country’s housing stock, its structural composition by form of ownership, distribution by regions of Kazakhstan. The analysis of the commissioning of new housing, a comparison by the territorial structures of the country is given. The sources of investment in housing construction are considered: private, state and foreign. The results of the analysis of quantitative ratios of indicators by sources of investment in housing construction are presented. The analysis of the annual commissioning of affordable housing built under housing programs at the expense of public investment is presented. The assessment was made of the affordability of commercial housing based on the selected prices for apartments by regions of Kazakhstan (as of January, June and December 2022) and an assessment of the affordability of housing, taking into account the economic instruments that take place in the housing programs of Kazakhstan as of 2023. The article was prepared as part of the implementation of the scientific project No. AP09260210, funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
About the Authors
D. T. MukaevKazakhstan
PhD student.
U. Zh. Shalbolova
d.e.s., professor.
A. M. Salykov
PhD student, master.
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For citations:
Mukaev D.T., Shalbolova U.Zh., Salykov A.M. Current state of housing construction and its availability in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(1):279-296. (In Russ.)