On the application of 5 IFRS “For long-term assets held for sale and discontinued operations”
The global crisis and the global coronavirus pandemic have had a significant impact on the performance of the restaurant and hotel business. The volume of sales turnover has significantly decreased. The second quarter of 2020 was marked by a record collapse in the turnover of restaurants – by 49.7% [1, 2, 3]. The same trend is observed in Kazakhstan and Ukraine. For almost a year, many hotel and restaurant buildings have been empty. A significant part of them are re-profiled as trading enterprises with food products, rented out or, more often, put up for sale. The widespread sale of objects of long-term assets requires their specific accounting reflection and a real assessment of long-term assets intended for sale; as well as the development of sections of the accounting policy dedicated to new, modern transactions for the sale and purchase of a business or part of a business. Accounting for such transactions requires the methodologically correct application of IFRS No. 5 “Long-term assets held for sale and discontinued operations” [4], which was previously rarely used, and often not used at all. For many years, the authors have been dealing with the problems of developing accounting and tax policies for various accounting items with the application of IFRS. While writing the article, the authors, relying on their scientific and practical experience and knowledge, determined the purpose – to offer recommendations and accounting records of transactions of sale of long-term assets, part of the business or the whole segment of the business, prepared for sale, for inclusion in a special section of the accounting company of the selling company. The article uses both general scientific research methods and special research methods. The specifics of the article and the range of interests of the authors are designed for accountants and teachers of universities in Russian-speaking countries and CIS republics, where IFRS are applied.
About the Authors
R. N. NurgalievaKazakhstan
c.e.s., associate professor
Y. A. Veriga
c.e.s., associate professor
E. V. Koba
c.t.s., professor
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For citations:
Nurgalieva R.N., Veriga Y.A., Koba E.V. On the application of 5 IFRS “For long-term assets held for sale and discontinued operations”. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(2):26-37. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.46914/1562-2959-2023-1-2-26-37