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Usage of the European Union experience in ensuring food security of Kazakhstan’s population


The article examines the European Union experience in ensuring food security of the population. Food security is a topical issue for any country, as it is the basis for the provision of quality foods of the population. The study of various aspects of food security is therefore of interest to both scientific community and the general public. The aim of the research is to study the experience of the European Union countries in ensuring food security for the population of Kazakhstan, to identify trends in agricultural production of the European Union and Kazakhstan, as well as ways to solve this problem both in Kazakhstan and in the EAEU countries. A sufficiently detailed analysis has been conducted of the factors that ensure food security in the country. It is proved that in recent years there is an intensification of a competitive struggle at Eurasian Economic Union level. Practical significance of the work consists in specific recommendations of enhancing the food security of Kazakhstan. The main method of the research is the method of materialist dialectic, with other methods applied, in particular the method of comparative statistical data analysis, the method of historical and logical analysis, in the formation of government programmes in the agricultural policies of Kazakhstan and the European Union countries. In addition, the method of retrospective analysis was applied to the tables, which revealed certain trends in food security in Kazakhstan, as well as the dynamics of trade relations

About the Authors

Z. Zh. Bermukhametova
A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University

PhD, senior lecturer


S. M. Zhiyentayev
A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University

d.e.s. professor



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For citations:

Bermukhametova Z.Zh., Zhiyentayev S.M. Usage of the European Union experience in ensuring food security of Kazakhstan’s population. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(2):66-78.

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
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