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Prospects for digitalization and robotization of the economy of Kazakhstan


A key factor in the development of Kazakhstan’s economy is the digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises, the use of digital information and communication technologies to restructure the business so that all decisions are taken on the basis of data. The structure of digital transformation is presented. End-to-end digital technologies are used to collect, store, process, search, and transmit data electronically. The proliferation of IoT technologies and the use of data from IoT devices to improve automated solutions and optimize industrial production plays an important role in the transition to digital production. The most important task of modern business models is to create an omnichannel space, synchronizing data and information in all digital and physical interaction channels to meet the needs of customers at any time and in any place. The prospects for the development of digitalization and robotization of our economy are related to the development and implementation of robotic means. An important area of development of digitalization and robotization of the economy of our republic is the development and application of software robot managers. The structure of the software robot manager is given. It is noted that digitalization and robotization technologies will provide unique opportunities for Kazakh enterprises, including high accuracy of forecasting and making management decisions based on data, multiple cost reductions, providing a better quality “customer experience”.

About the Authors

A. A. Luchaninova
Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov

c.e.s., professor


A. M. Baimukhamedova
Kostanay Social and Technical University named after Z. Aldamzhar

DBA, professor


M. F. Baimukhamedov
Kostanay Social and Technical University named after Z. Aldamzhar

d.t.s., professor


N. N. Isaeva
Kostanay Social and Technical University named after Z. Aldamzhar

master, senior lecturer



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For citations:

Luchaninova A.A., Baimukhamedova A.M., Baimukhamedov M.F., Isaeva N.N. Prospects for digitalization and robotization of the economy of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(2):118-129. (In Kazakh)

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