Effective economic mechanisms of labor market regulation in Kazakhstan
The major purpose of the article is to guide the state via population employment policy and social assistance provision to assess the requirements of social groups, the inclusion of able-bodied citizens in the number of employees, and encouraging people to retrain and learn new professions. The demand for highly skilled and competent professionals is increasing as production becomes more competitive. Therefore, vocational training and retraining of national qualified personnel is a requirement of today. In this regard, one of the main urgent problems and requiring comprehensive scientific research is to improve the mechanisms of socio-economic, organizational and infrastructural services of labor market regulation, providing employment for the region, creating a public training and retraining program for the unemployed as an active form of social protection. The main task of the article is to the main issues of socio-economic development aspects based on trends in the labour market and employment. Therefore the sustainable development of the country is directly related to sustainable employment and prevention of various unfavorable conditions in the labor market. Improvement of financial and economic mechanisms and strengthening of market infrastructure within the market economy of the country have a significant impact on various social aspects, especially in the sphere of labor and employment. The labor market in Kazakhstan summarized the contradictions of regional labor markets. Analyzed the problem of employment in the regions to differentiate the labor force and labor market in order to create a unified strategy at the macro level. In addition, the important directions in the use of labor resources and influencing their state economic crisis, resource shortage for job creation, professional level of labor resources, the level of growth of technical lighting of production, the movement of the sectoral structure of production were considered. Socio-economic policy of the country should create a priority route approach to the use of labor resources.
About the Authors
B. A. ZhakupovaKazakhstan
c.e.s., associate professor
G. K. Demeuova
c.e.s., associate professor
U. B. Zhienbayev
м.e.s., senior lecturer
G. Ye. Kerimbek
c.e.s., associate professor
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For citations:
Zhakupova B.A., Demeuova G.K., Zhienbayev U.B., Kerimbek G.Ye. Effective economic mechanisms of labor market regulation in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(2):186-200. https://doi.org/10.46914/1562-2959-2023-1-2-186-200