Impact assessment of information technologies on the public administration efficiency
The article examines the assessment of the impact of information technology on the effectiveness of public administration. Recently, consideration of the issues of the impact of information technologies on the effectiveness of public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan has become of particular importance in the context of the development of digitalization in today’s world, which is changing all the previously established mechanisms and principles of the functioning of public administration. At the same time, a number of problems have developed in the field of informatization of public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In particular, “the low level of implementation of digital tools, non-systemic digitalization, the lack of information in indicators of the efficiency of goals and objectives. It is very often observed in the practice of subordinate organizations that are responsible for maintaining IT do not attach serious importance to budget expenditures and do not try to contribute to their reduction or optimize them. They also do not care about the standardization of the technologies they use, the flexibility of new products and the restructuring of infrastructure for digitalization. In this regard, the goal of the article is to identify the theoretical and applied foundations for assessing the impact of information technologies on the effectiveness of public administration in order to fill the existing gap in the science of public administration. Achieving this goal involved the use of general, general scientific and particular scientific methods of science, including methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, abstraction, induction, analogy and comparison. The results of this article, obtained in the course of the study, can be used to further improve the system for assessing the impact of information technology on the effectiveness of public administration, as well as in scientific research in the field of public administration. The results of this study include the identification of theoretical and applied foundations in the system for assessing the impact of information technology on the effectiveness of public administration.
About the Authors
Sh. O. OrazgalievaKazakhstan
PhD student
S. K. Tazhieva
c.e.s., senior lecturer
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For citations:
Orazgalieva Sh.O., Tazhieva S.K. Impact assessment of information technologies on the public administration efficiency. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(2):234-247. (In Russ.)