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Analysis of demographic trends in onotowns and state support measures.


The article provides a general analysis of the demographic trends of monotowns. Classification, population, employment, migration trends and state support measures for economic diversification of monotowns in Kazakhstan with prospects for the development of town forming enterprise in case of depletion of raw materials. If in some monotowns we see growth of population then others demonstrate the population outflow, therefore we analyzed existing trends in socio-economic development of monotowns, but significant part of them shows demographic decline and outflow of skilled labor force. We provided a comparative analysis, methods of analytical analysis and a review of foreign and domestic scientific literature. We consider the ways of solving problems and development methods of monotowns. We studied socio-economic development level, international experience in solving problems and evaluated the effectiveness of state aid for monotowns. Nine monotowns due to their location have close economic ties with regional centers, which has a positive effect on their economic development. Population in these cities is generally stable. Economy diversification due to competitiveness of monotowns, balance of labor force, labor resources through demographic indicators such as mortality, migration growth, life expectancy. Vast territory, low population density, demographic growth and decline, remoteness from natural resources and intensive development of deposits, development of monotowns remain one of the most main tasks. The population decline in monotowns is observed in Pavlodar, Kostanay, East Kazakhstan, Mangystau regions, and the population of monotowns in Kazakhstan has decreased over the past five years

About the Authors

T. T. Zhumagul
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

PhD student


L. A. Bimendiyeva
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

c.e.s., associate professor


N. B. Shurenov
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

master, senior lecturer


N. A. Tovma
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

c.e.s., senior lecturer



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For citations:

Zhumagul T.T., Bimendiyeva L.A., Shurenov N.B., Tovma N.A. Analysis of demographic trends in onotowns and state support measures. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(2):248-258. (In Kazakh)

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