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Main trends in the development of transport infrastructure: Kazakhstan and international experience


The main and important element of infrastructure is transport, therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of public production, it is necessary to develop transport infrastructure, high-quality transport services in order to ensure the connectivity of the economic area. Currently, any country sets a goal – that is the formation of a modern highly efficient transport and logistics infrastructure. Transport needs to be viewed in a dynamic context in terms of its ability to contribute to the economy. The development of transport infrastructure is multidimensional, which depends on many factors. It has several directions, the evaluation of which requires a new approach to the development of new methods that would ensure the objectivity of research in modern conditions. The paper substantiates the need for effective interaction of railway, automobile, river and sea modes of transport in a balanced distribution of cargo flows, reducing transport costs in the price of goods, which will increase the competitiveness of domestic goods on the world market. The authors discuss the main trends in the development of foreign and domestic transport infrastructure. It is concluded that the development of transport infrastructure is possible due to the development, development of methods and methods of high-performance and efficient use of high-tech technologies, innovative forms and methods of organization, information, and digital technologies.

About the Authors

A. A. Rakhmetulina
S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University

PhD student


T. A. Abylaykhanova
S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University




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For citations:

Rakhmetulina A.A., Abylaykhanova T.A. Main trends in the development of transport infrastructure: Kazakhstan and international experience. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(2):259-271.

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