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World experience of effective management of human capital development


In the context of global digitalization, the main resource for ensuring the competitiveness of states is a person. Today, the prevailing opinion in the scientific and public environment is that intellectual capital has a higher price than property capital. The experience of foreign countries in the management of human capital development aroused scientific interest when writing this article. The relevance of the study is due to the need to increase the main criteria for the development of state development strategies at the global level, in particular, the level of innovative and social development, improving the competitiveness of the country’s economy. The purpose of the research work is to identify the relationship between intellectualization, digitalization, economic development and the development of human capital by countries, as well as to determine the role of human capital as a tool for implementing government strategies. The research paper analyzes the world practice of managing the development of human capital on the basis of data presented in current publications of international organizations, in particular the United Nations Development Program for Human Development, the International Monetary Fund, the Imperative of Social Progress, the World Economic Forum, etc., as well as in studies of indexed rating journals.

About the Authors

A. A. Nurpeissova
Narxoz University

c.e.s., associate professor


D. Fazylzhan
Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi

PhD student



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For citations:

Nurpeissova A.A., Fazylzhan D. World experience of effective management of human capital development. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(2):285-296. (In Kazakh)

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