Use of statistical data on the quality of life in making decisions about territorial development
Humanity has entered a new phase of development where economic growth is determined not so much by production, finance, consumption, etc., but by social, environmental, and institutional factors. Scientists from different countries have come to the understanding that economic processes are much more complex in their structure and require a greater study of qualitative indicators for further development. These studies show the importance of subjective statistical data and the importance of studying them. In Kazakhstan, the vector of political development is focused on “human-centeredness” in decision-making and the development of strategic plans. It would be a great omission to neglect the study of subjective statistical indicators in order to achieve the set objectives. The aim of this research is to ensure that Kazakhstan does not lag behind in the trend of studying alternative (subjective) types of statistical data in the development and implementation of territorial development strategic plans. The analysis of scientific literature on the problems of territorial development of the quality of life and the comparative analysis of foreign use of the definition of statistical indicators of the quality of life with Kazakhstani practice is the methodology of the study. The study in this direction has revealed a number of shortcomings and limitations in the methodology of statistical data on «quality of life» starting from data collection, sampling, processing, and evaluation. It is possible to note a the lack of data on the quality of life at the local level or a breakdown by region for a more in-depth study. This research aims to draw attention to the importance of subjective indicators in making management decisions, developing and implementing strategic plans for territorial development. We assume that crisis situations, such as the «January events» can be avoided in the future if subjective statistical data is taken into account on an equal footing with quantitative economic indicators.
About the Authors
A. T. AlisharipovKazakhstan
PhD student
L. I. Kussainova
c.e.s., professor
D. M. Khamitova
c.e.s., professor
Zh. M. Dyussembekova
c.e.s., associate professor
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For citations:
Alisharipov A.T., Kussainova L.I., Khamitova D.M., Dyussembekova Zh.M. Use of statistical data on the quality of life in making decisions about territorial development. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(2):297-309. (In Russ.)