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Concept of human capital in the context of innovative development and its place in the system of related economic categories


Despite its relatively short history, the concept of human capital has evolved into a significant number of different definitions, affecting an increasing number of elements that are inherent in the work of a modern person. The growing importance of human capital in the accumulation of national wealth, the general trends in the humanization of economic science, the peculiarities of labor characteristic of the innovative economy, led to the emergence of new elements describing a person's labor activity and labor opportunities, and the entry into circulation of a number of seemingly overlapping related categories that complemented the already existing conceptual and categorical apparatus in this area. The purpose of the article is to distinguish the main concepts developed by economic theory that characterize human labor capabilities, as well as to determine the place of the category human capital in the system of these related categories. Special attention is paid to new concepts that have arisen as a result of setting the tasks of innovative development. The result of the study is the systematization of the concepts considered in a general terminological field. Such systematization seems necessary both for theoretical clarification of the conceptual apparatus of labor market research, employment, accumulation of human resources, and for practical application in the field of state policy to improve the national education system and labor market regulation in the context of innovative development.

About the Authors

Y. B. Aimagambetov
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Russian Federation

d.e.s., professor.


R. R. Gimranova
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Russian Federation

PhD student.


B. K. Spanova
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Russian Federation

PhD, associate professor.


A. T. Omarova
Karaganda Buketov University
Russian Federation

PhD, professor.



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For citations:

Aimagambetov Y.B., Gimranova R.R., Spanova B.K., Omarova A.T. Concept of human capital in the context of innovative development and its place in the system of related economic categories. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(3):230-237. (In Russ.)

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