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Tariff setting for solid waste management services in Kazakhstan: problems and ways to solve them


The improvement of the pricing mechanism in the field of solid household waste management (MSW) is due to the need to transition to a sustainable waste management system. The current state of affairs in the field of solid waste management is characterized by chronic underfunding. Regulatory documents on the current regulatory instruments in this area do not fully implement the regulatory impact on the financial provision of the sphere of solid waste management. In this regard, the problem of scientific research and the search for ways to improve the efficiency of the process of tariff formation for solid waste management services is extremely urgent. The article provides a critical analysis of the normative primary sources for calculating the tariff for solid waste management services and determining the norms for the formation and accumulation of municipal waste (CO). The results of experimental author's studies of calculating tariffs and determining norms in retrospect over recent years with the identification of local features in their dynamics are presented, recommendations are given to improve the organization of sample observations in determining norms, as well as determining the volume of waste exported. Based on the logic of the economic factor analysis of the regulatory model of tariff calculation, the problematic provisions of the current methodology for calculating the need for financial resources for the collection and transportation, sorting and disposal of solid waste, determining the annual tariff per unit of solid waste and determining the rate of formation and accumulation of CO, appropriate recommendations have been developed to eliminate the identified problems. The conclusions and recommendations of the study will be useful to state bodies, local representative and executive authorities, economic entities, experts interested in the development of the sphere of solid waste management.

About the Authors

N. V. Krause
Kazakh-American Free University

N.V. Krause - c.e.s., associate professor


I. V. Bordiyanu
Kazakh-American Free University

I.V. Bordiyanu - PhD, professor


A. S. Mukatai
Kazakh-American Free University

A.S. Mukatai - c.e.s., professor



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For citations:

Krause N.V., Bordiyanu I.V., Mukatai A.S. Tariff setting for solid waste management services in Kazakhstan: problems and ways to solve them. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(4):22-38. (In Russ.)

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