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Assessment of the quality of digital services based on the Kano model


The article explores the possibilities of using the Kano method in assessing the quality of digital services. The processes of digitalization of medical services require not only the study of qualitative parameters, but also the determination of how they satisfy the needs of consumers. For a more complete assessment of the quality of digital medical services, an analysis was carried out on the parameters of the quality of digital services and the level of their significance from the point of view of consumers was determined. The results of the analysis showed that the most important parameters in the evaluation of digital medical services are ergonomic, which are aimed at creating convenience and comfort of the services provided. In this study, a survey of consumers of the medical application Damumed was conducted using the developed questionnaire using the Kano method. The analysis revealed a list of consumer characteristics that reduce and also increase the level of customer satisfaction. Based on the conducted research, it is recommended to improve the medical application Damumed in the following areas: to ensure that information on medical examinations is fully provided, uninterrupted operation on all application options, to ensure the information security of patient data, it is mandatory to have functions for calling and making an appointment with a doctor. The proposed recommendations aim to enhance customer satisfaction and, as a result, improve the quality of digital services.

About the Authors

E. B. Orazgaliyeva
Almaty Management University

E.B. Orazgaliyeva - PhD, researcher


M. R. Smykova
Almaty Management University

М.R. Smykova - c.e.s., associate professor



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For citations:

Orazgaliyeva E.B., Smykova M.R. Assessment of the quality of digital services based on the Kano model. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(4):96-108. (In Russ.)

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