Effective motivation, effective personnel management in rehabilitation centers of Kazakhstan
This article discusses effective personnel management in rehabilitation centers in Kazakhstan. In modern business, with its inherent volatile competitive environment, the implementation of effective activities is impossible without effective personnel management. As a result of sociological research, the degree of satisfaction with the incentive system for medical personnel of the Rehabilitation Center Kokshe was revealed. From these data it can be seen that for the employees of the rehabilitation center, the most significant motivational factors are economic methods, and among the preferred motivational methods are socio-psychological ones. To substantiate the importance of applying socio-psychological methods in the system of medical personnel management and the formation of a personnel management model, methodological approaches of classical theories of motivation were considered: a questionnaire according to A. Maslow's theory and F. Herzberg 's tests. The effectiveness of the organization's activities is determined by the ratio of the results achieved and the resources expended on this and is made up of the efficiency of using various factors, one of which is motivated work. The success of healthcare institutions, including rehabilitation centers, depends on the extent to which medical workers realize their professional potential. We have proposed a more advanced and effective management approach – the KPI method for motivating medical personnel in Kazakhstan, which allows us to organically combine material and non-material incentives with the motivational impact of all healthcare workers. The presented calculations showed that the introduction of personnel assessment according to the KPI system for all medical services will provide a multiplier effect and improve the competitiveness of rehabilitation centers and healthcare in general.
About the Authors
K. Sh. SyzdykovaKazakhstan
K.Sh. Syzdykova - c.e.s., professor
Sh. R. Karbetova
Sh.R. Karbetova - c.e.s., associate professor
A. A. Maukenova
A.A. Maukenova - c.e.s., associate professor
Z. R. Karbetova
Z.R. Karbetova - c.t.s., professor
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For citations:
Syzdykova K.Sh., Karbetova Sh.R., Maukenova A.A., Karbetova Z.R. Effective motivation, effective personnel management in rehabilitation centers of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(4):134-146. https://doi.org/10.46914/1562-2959-2023-1-4-134-146