The role of the industry marketing model in increasing the internal cost of light industry products of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan economy is now deeply entwined with the global economic relations framework. An increase in the amount of imports into the nation is a result of economic progress, which draws in capital and technology as well as increasing consumer spending. The needs of economy for consumer, investment, and intermediate products are all met by the expansion in import deliveries, which puts some strain on the balance of payments' current account. This begs the question of how reasonable the current level of imports in relation to other nations is at this point in the country's development. Increasing the domestic value added to this sector's products is a major way to boost its economic impact. The goal of the article is to assess the light industry and develop a marketing strategy to raise the value of goods inside the nation. This article is centered on the creation and execution of strategies to enhance domestic value in the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) light industry sector. These strategies are in line with the country's objective of attaining a minimum of 90% share of domestic purchases by 2021. The research focuses on the five safeguards included in the "Kazakhstan–2050" development plan, which are meant to support and preserve regional producers.
About the Authors
A. M. NurmagambetovaKazakhstan
A.M. Nurmagambetova - PhD student
D. Sala
D. Sala - PhD, professor
Z. N. Kusmoldaeva
Z.N. Kusmoldaeva - senior lecturer
A. T. Tleubayeva
A.Т. Tleubayeva - PhD, associate professor
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For citations:
Nurmagambetova A.M., Sala D., Kusmoldaeva Z.N., Tleubayeva A.T. The role of the industry marketing model in increasing the internal cost of light industry products of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(4):428-440.