Comprehensive industry review of Kazakhstan higher education market: trends and challenges
Higher education in Kazakhstan occupies a central place in the process of socio-economic progress of the country. In recent decades, Kazakhstan's higher education market has undergone significant changes. The rapid development of technology, integration into the global educational space and changes in the economic and social spheres have led to a revision of the needs and expectations of higher education. The article presents an analysis of the higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan with an emphasis on highlighting key trends and challenges. The main focus of the research is aimed at studying the dynamically developing and highly competitive higher education market, in which both public and private educational institutions are actively functioning. The main purpose of this study is to provide detailed coverage of the current conditions and trends in the higher education market in Kazakhstan. To achieve this goal, various methods were used, including content analysis, a desk method of data collection, comparison and generalization. The analysis was based on secondary data: a review of current sources and scientific publications over the past five years from international and local databases, statistical data and analytical reports. The results of this study provide an objective view of the current state, structure, participants and directions of development of the higher education market in Kazakhstan in the period 2017–2022. The study highlights the importance of regional development issues, ensuring broad accessibility of higher education, active integration of the latest technologies and teaching methodologies, as well as the formation of a comprehensive and inclusive educational space.
About the Authors
A. D. IssayevaKazakhstan
PhD student.
L. K. Baimagambetova
C.e.s., associate professor.
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For citations:
Issayeva A.D., Baimagambetova L.K. Comprehensive industry review of Kazakhstan higher education market: trends and challenges. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(1):337-354. (In Russ.)