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The possibilities of using foreign experience in tax regulation of socio-economic processes in Kazakhstan


The article analyzes the foreign experience of tax regulation of socio-economic processes in the EU countries and the possibility of its adaptation to the Kazakh economy. A significant analogy has been revealed in the main taxes in European countries with common political and economic interests, historically interacting in solving problems of global development. The mechanisms of the regulatory impact of taxes on the social and economic development of foreign countries are studied: VAT, excise taxes, corporate income tax, personal income tax. The advantages and disadvantages of applying various tax benefits and preferences, principles of taxation organization in the world taxation practice are revealed. Tax systems differ significantly in the number of taxes and their structure, organization and management methodology. Along with this, it is impossible not to recognize the significant similarity of the main taxes in countries geographically close to each other, having common political and economic interests, historically interacting in solving global development issues. The study of historical experience also allows us to assert the social significance of such a tax as VAT, given its application to the consumption of luxury goods. Taxation of these goods made it possible to partially make additional withdrawals of income from the well-to-do segments of the population and redistribute them, to a certain extent serving social equalization. The results of the study confirm the significant similarity of the instruments of tax regulation of socio-economic processes in different countries, caused by historical, geographical and economic-globalization factors. In turn, this allows us to use the advantages of foreign experience in Kazakhstan, adapting its individual elements to domestic conditions and taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the national economy and the specifics of the circumstances of the formation of the tax system of our state.

About the Authors

G. A. Maulenberdieva
Turan University

PhD student


L. A. Omarbakiev
Turan University

c.e.s., professor


S. S. Abdildin
Turan University

c.e.s., professor


Sh. D. Kydyrbayeva
Turan University

c.e.s., associate professor



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For citations:

Maulenberdieva G.A., Omarbakiev L.A., Abdildin S.S., Kydyrbayeva Sh.D. The possibilities of using foreign experience in tax regulation of socio-economic processes in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(2):315-327. (In Kazakh)

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