The effectiveness of personal branding in forming a company image
The topic of personal branding and its impact on corporate image is of particular relevance. The research aims to explore the relationship between personal brand and company brand perception. The main goal of the work is to analyze how the level of trust, effectiveness and creative freedom of a personal brand affect the corporate image. The research is based on three key hypotheses: the higher the level of trust in the personal brand persona, the higher the perception of the company brand; the higher the effectiveness of the personal brand, the higher the perception of the company brand; the more creative freedom the personal brand persona has, the higher the image of the company brand. The analysis was conducted in Smart Pls software based on quantitative data obtained from the survey. The scientific significance of the work lies in the expansion of knowledge about the mechanisms of corporate image formation through personal branding. The practical significance of the research is expressed in the development of recommendations for companies on the effective use of personal branding to improve corporate image. The findings support the hypotheses by showing that trust in personal branding, its effectiveness and creative freedom have a positive impact on the perception of the company brand. The contribution of this study to the field of marketing and branding is to provide a new perspective on the use of personal branding as a strategic tool to enhance corporate image and market competitiveness. The practical significance of the results enables companies to develop more effective personal branding strategies, thereby improving their overall image and customer loyalty.
About the Authors
A. V. MaldynovaKazakhstan
PhD, associate professor.
M. T. Davletova
C.e.s., docent of HАC, research professor.
G. T. Demeuova
D.e.s., associate professor.
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For citations:
Maldynova A.V., Davletova M.T., Demeuova G.T. The effectiveness of personal branding in forming a company image. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(3):207-220.