
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Improving marketing activities of fitness club on the basis of CRM technologies


The article is devoted to improving the marketing activities of the “Momento” fitness club based on CRM technologies. To this end, the author recommends a series of activities that have practical significance: segmentation of the clients of the fitness club, mailing automation, voice dialing and SMS-messages, the introduction of loyalty programs. The proposals on the segmentation of the client base into existing clients of the fitness club, sleeping, potential, and cold, are worthy of attention. Different events are offered for each segment. The article provides recommendations on the automation of mailing and voice calls to customers, which will increase sales by fixing all actions of sellers and customers. The author has substantiated in detail and provided examples of test mailings for clients of the fitness club, SMS-messages about the start of actions and reminders about the deadline of actions. The activities of the manager for work with potential consumers of fitness services consider specific actions of the manager at various stages of the lead processing process. To effectively promote the services of the fitness club and stimulate its consumers, various loyalty programs have been proposed: savings, bonus, status and discount. The conditions of the loyalty program for regular customers of the club, which include discounts, gifts, renewal of the subscription, draw some attention. No less interesting marketing ploy are loyalty systems for potential as well as for sleeping clients of a fitness club, which include activities such as free training, additional services, e-mailing, SMS sending, etc.

About the Author

M. T. Davletova
Turan University


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For citations:

Davletova M.T. Improving marketing activities of fitness club on the basis of CRM technologies. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(2):95-101. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)