
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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The national innovation system in Kazakhstan: opportunities of triple helix


The article considers the development of national innovation systems in the context of the triple helix of innovation concept, which implies the union of the state, science and business. The article considers the emergence of the Triple helix model with the justification of the main reasons and its development in the world community. A sufficiently detailed analysis of the main characteristics of the Triple helix model in practice is given. The main role is given to the state in the form of support for Research and Development, the development of science through universities, the commercialization of scientific ideas, including the use of business incubators. It is shown that in Kazakhstan the institutional spheres of the state, science, business are still in a rather fragmented state and effective interaction between them is not built. The article substantiates the use of foreign experience in the development of national innovation systems, in particular, American experience, European experience on the example of Finland, Japanese, Chinese experience (as generally in Southeast Asia). With the use of certain methods of the Triple helix model, it is possible to develop Kazakhstan’s innovation system in a proactive way. Science, business and government, in addition to their traditional functions, should be more active in acquiring new functions that are common to other participants in the innovation system.

About the Author

G. K. Niyetalina
“Turan” University


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For citations:

Niyetalina G.K. The national innovation system in Kazakhstan: opportunities of triple helix. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(3):9-15. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)