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Opportunities to improve business effectiveness through the use of public partnership mechanisms


In the presented article issues of increasing the effectiveness of domestic business which can be estimated by several parameters are considered. Among these parameters, profit and its dynamics over time, the share in the country's gross domestic product, the number of enterprises and their dynamics, the conditions for doing business, the level of competitiveness of business units, etc., are singled out. The article analyzes the contribution of small and medium-sized businesses over a period of ten years, which showed that the share of registered small and medium-sized businesses was increased. This is explained by positive economic trends, which led to an increase in the entrepreneurial activity of the population, the creation of conditions for expanding the areas of private capital application, the development of public-private partnership relations, the improvement of the legislative framework, etc. The data on the costs of public-private partnership projects in the whole country and separately for its regions, the data on tax revenues from the activities of domestic entrepreneurs are given. Nevertheless, there is still a need to strengthen the control functions of public administration, excluding the misuse of investment resources, the inclusion of uncivilized shadow mechanisms that divert investment resources from the main directions of economic modernization that will give the national economy a new postindustrial look that will solve the problems of increasing competitiveness.

About the Author

S. Z. Zhaleleva
Университет международного бизнеса


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For citations:

Zhaleleva S.Z. Opportunities to improve business effectiveness through the use of public partnership mechanisms. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(3):30-34. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)