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Theoretical aspects of the organization of exhibition activities from the point of view of marketing


This article discusses the theoretical aspects of the organization of exhibition activities from the point of view of marketing. In a market economy, well-organized exhibitions are one of the most effective tools to attract public attention to the organization, its activities, goods and services. Currently, the development and improvement of exhibition activities in the country is one of the important directions of the formation of the national market. In our country, much attention is paid to the provision of modern domestic products and services produced in the domestic and foreign markets. Taking into account the current situation in the country, interest in exhibition activities is growing every day. The exhibition is an integrated tool of marketing communications, which has a complex effect. Participation in the exhibition for any company, only one tool of their marketing activities. Therefore, the head of the company should make a management decision only after making a decision to participate in the exhibition, making sure that the participation and organization of the exhibition are effective than other marketing tools. The study identified the nature and place of the exhibition, the importance of effective organization and participation in this marketing event. Effective ways of organizing the exhibition are also provided.

About the Author

A. K. Yesbosynova
«Тұран» университеті


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For citations:

Yesbosynova A.K. Theoretical aspects of the organization of exhibition activities from the point of view of marketing. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(3):35-38. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)