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Economy of Afghanistan and prospects of its development


The article considers the current state of the economy of Afghanistan and determines the prospects for its development as an integral part of Central Asia. In terms of its geographical location, Afghanistan acts as a cost-effective transit corridor between the countries of Central and South Asia. Afghanistan can join regional and international trade and economic relations and export its goods and services. There is an acute shortage of domestic sources of investment in the country; therefore, foreign economic cooperation and assistance from other countries are today the most critical factors in modernizing the country's economy. In the economy of Afghanistan, it is necessary to restore those priority sectors that in the recent past were a source of revenue, as well as create new sectors that can supply resources to the foreign market. Afghanistan has great potential to attract the interest of foreign investors. Central Asian countries are interested in a long-term settlement and peace in Afghanistan, which affects their development prospects in the future. They can begin a new phase of the rediscovery of frozen, postponed opportunities and hidden prospects of Afghanistan. The similarity of Afghanistan with the countries and peoples of Central Asia is determined not only by ethnic, religious unity and similarity but most importantly, the shared values and goals of peaceful, sustainable development of the region. There will be no chance for the peaceful, long-term development of Afghanistan if there are no historical neighbours like Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan participating in this process.

About the Authors

D. I. Zakirova
«Turan» University

Zia Saydkhaili Ahmad
«Turan» University


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For citations:

Zakirova D.I., Ahmad Z.S. Economy of Afghanistan and prospects of its development. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(3):39-44. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)