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The comparative analysis of the banking sector of the countries-EAEU participants: current status and development prospects


In modern conditions the development of the banking sector of the countries - participants of the EAEU is closely connected with the integration processes. Banking sector institutions are developing in accordance with the approved regulatory acts of the countries participating in the Eurasian Economic Union. Important and significant are the comparative analysis of the financial markets of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation. The study based on the statistical data of the countries participating in the EAEU analyzed the development of commercial banks, assets and liabilities, presented data on the representative offices and branches of each of the EAEU countries, and also carried out calculations and identified trends in their development. The prospects for the development of the financial market will largely depend on the support of the countries of the EAEU participant countries for commercial banks, the improvement of policies, the introduction of new banking services and products. The analysis showed a decrease in the number of commercial banks, and accordingly, branches and representative offices abroad, where the reason is revocation of banking licenses, the political situation, sanctions, stricter requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and etc. The policy of the Central Banks of the EAEU countries is aimed at attracting new investors to commercial banks, who will improve the situation and resume lending to the real sector of the economy when the prudential standards and requirements set by regulators are met.

About the Authors

Sh. U. Niyazbekova
Московский университет им. С.Ю. Витте

R. Zh. Kurmankulova
Актюбинский университет им. С. Баишева

G. . Musirov
Актюбинский университет им. С. Баишева

S. K. Yerzhanova
Карагандинский государственный университет им. Е. Букетова


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For citations:

Niyazbekova Sh.U., Kurmankulova R.Zh., Musirov G., Yerzhanova S.K. The comparative analysis of the banking sector of the countries-EAEU participants: current status and development prospects. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(3):68-72. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)