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The assessment of tourist-recreational potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan


On the territory of the Republic there are unique recreational and natural resources, objects of world and national historical and cultural heritage. The presence of a variety of tourist resources makes it possible to develop almost all major types of tourism: beach, cultural and educational, business, health, active and ecological tourism, but no region can boast of the attractiveness and accessibility of tourist facilities, which are very popular with foreign tourists. According to its recreational potential, Kazakhstan can become a real “tourist Mecca”. According to the results of the analysis, two basic components of the Kazakh tourist product were identified: cultural pilgrimage and traditional tourism on the Silk road, as well as associated eco-adventure tourism (safari, rafting, ornithological, trekking, mountaineering, hunting, fishing). In addition, a high degree of attractiveness of landscapes, accessibility, development of the territory in terms of tourism organization are characterized by the state national natural parks, existing and planned to be created, which should also be attributed to the objects of priority development. To attract foreign tourists, many approaches in this direction should be urgently revised: from the cost and timing of visas to the construction of large tourist centers of recreation and entertainment, up to the provision of high-quality services. Many government agencies and regional Executive bodies should be interested in the development of tourism, as tourism covers a huge range of services and production in various industries. Much depends on the initiative of the local authorities, on their understanding that tourism can become a source of prosperity for the region.

About the Authors

G. R. Duisembekova
Южно-Казахстанский государственный университет им. М. Ауэзова

A. K. Sabdalina
Шымкенский университет

Zh. E. Abilgaziyeva
Университет «Мирас»


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For citations:

Duisembekova G.R., Sabdalina A.K., Abilgaziyeva Zh.E. The assessment of tourist-recreational potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(3):129-135. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)