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Toponymical secret of Popov Pass 1


The variety of names of Ile Alatau passes has their own characteristics, peculiar character, inherent charm of each of them and, of course, they all have their own names. All mountain names, including peaks and passes, have a clear logic, are associated with the life and activities of people. They reflect the nature and characteristics of each phenomenon, its relationship with the activities of people, their customs, the continuity of their lives with nature. Unfortunately, we still have very little literature that would reveal these names. In available geographical dictionaries and reference books they can be found rarely. As a result, numerous visitors to the mountains, meeting in literature, on maps and in life the various names of geographical objects in the mountains, do not have the opportunity to learn their meaning, and therefore, to reveal their inner content, being. The proposed article is devoted to the Popov pass or secret knowledge of anthroponym. Where did the name of the pass come from? Who is Popov, after whom the pass is named? The questions are not idle. It is difficult to explain its etymology today, as the name appeared in the pre-war period about 80 years ago.

About the Author

V. A. Korablev
Университет «Туран»


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4. Затуловский Д.М. На ледниках и вершинах Средней Азии. - ОГИЗ, 1948. - 291 с.

5. Кудинов В.Ф. Эльбрусская летопись. - Нальчик: Изд-во «Эльбрус», 1969. - 236 с.

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For citations:

Korablev V.A. Toponymical secret of Popov Pass 1. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(3):136-140. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
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