The role of the state in the context of the modernization and diversification of production
The article indicates the role of the state in all areas of society and business. It is noted that transferring to business and society part of the regulatory functions within the national economy, the state in the current conditions is developing the areas of geopolitical and geo-economics strategic planning, regulation of interethnic integration processes, ensuring national competitiveness at the global level, military-political accompaniment of national economic interests. New reality requires significant changes of the system of the state-market relations. The need to study the experience of a number of states indicating that the government played a decisive role in shaping the structures of bureaucratic and state-monopoly capitalism, allowing in a tight historical period to adopt the achievements of scientific and technological revolution from highly developed countries and complete the industrialization processes is justified. The ideology of globalization seeks to harmonize not only political regimes around the world, but also institutions, including the economic role of the state. Since the economic functions of the state depend on the income level of the national economy and on its level of development, this approach is erroneous. For modernizing countries, government policy should be directed both at pursuing national interests and attaining development goals. These tasks should be resolved not only in the sphere of the national economy, but also on the foreign policy arena.
өндірісті әртараптандыру,
бәсекеге қабілеттілік,
экономиканы басқару,
диверсификация производства,
управление экономикой,
diversification of production,
economic management
About the Authors
M. M. Ospanov
Халықаралық бизнес университеті
M. U. Spanov
Халықаралық бизнес университеті
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For citations:
Ospanov M.M.,
Spanov M.U.
The role of the state in the context of the modernization and diversification of production. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(3):152-157.
(In Russ.)
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