1. Tamenova S.S. - editor-in-chief, candidate of economic sciences, professor of Turan University (Scopus h-index – 2) ORCID ResearcherID Scopus
2. Razakova D.I. - deputy of the editor-in-chief, vice-rector for Strategic Development, Science and Innovation of Turan University, PhD, candidate of economic sciences (Scopus h-index – 4) ORCID ResearcherID Scopus
3. Tayauova G.Zh. - PhD, vice-rector for external affairs and doctoral studies of Turan University (Scopus h-index – 3) ORCID ResearcherID Scopus
4. Selezneva I.V. - doctor of economic sciences, professor, head of the department of finance of Turan University (Scopus h-index – 4) ORCID ResearcherID Scopus
5. Kalenova S.A. - doctor of economic sciences, professor of Turan University (Scopus h-index – 3) ORCID ResearcherID Scopus
6. Niyetalina G.K. - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Director of the Department of Doctoral Studies, Turan University (Scopus h-index – 2) ORCID ResearcherID Scopus
7. Yessimzhanova S.R. - doctor of economic sciences, professor of the department of Management and Business of the K. Sagadiyev University of International Business (Scopus h-index – 3) ORCID ResearcherID Scopus
8. Tleuberdinova A.T. - doctor of economic sciences, professor of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Scopus h-index – 2) ORCID ResearcherID Scopus
9. Panzabekova A.Zh. - candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Center for Economic Theory and Interdisciplinary Research, Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Scopus h-index – 3) ORCID ResearcherID Scopus
10. Giese Roland - doctor of economic sciences, professor of the University of Applied Sciences Zittau-Gerlitz (Germany) (Scopus h-index – 2) ORCID ResearcherID Scopus
11. Onyusheva I.V. - PhD, research professor, Stamford International University (Bangkok, Thailand; Yangon, Myanmar) (Scopus h-index – 6) ORCID ResearcherID Scopus
12. Pospelova T.V. - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the department of World Politics and Economics of the Higher School of Economics, executive director of Triple Helix (Triple Helix Association in Russia) business coach of Mail.Ru.Ru Group (Russia), (Scopus h-index – 4) ORCID ResearcherID Scopus
13. Grineva O.O. - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the department of Marketing, head of the department of University Promotion in the International Scientific and educational Space of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Russia) (Scopus h-index – 2) ORCID ResearcherID Scopus
14. Zhappar K.Z. - editor, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, head of the editorial and publishing department of Turan University ORCID ResearcherID