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Regional development of Kazakhstan based on “Smart Specialization” model


In the conditions of increasing competition in the technological sector of the economy and the intensification of innovation, innovative management tools are needed to facilitate the effective planning, organization, stimulation and control of the introduction and implementation of innovations in the resource regions of Kazakhstan. Consequently, new scientific approaches are required to manage the innovative development of the commodity region, which will increase the effectiveness of regional socio-economic systems.Currently, an advanced tool in the field of determining the territories of cluster localization is the model of “smart specialization”, which is a special scientific approach to the formation of regional clusters. The “smart specialization” model emphasizes the need to search for and select such spheres of activity which are capable of making the maximum contribution to the socio-economic development of the region by supporting and stimulating innovative research and development in the identified spheres of regional specialization. An important condition for regional economic progress is the identification of potential poles of innovative growth in the region based on the analysis of its own potential and best international practices. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the priority areas and develop methods, tools for managing the innovative development of resource regions of Kazakhstan on the basis of the model of “smart specialization” to create a new quality of economic growth of territories. The article analyzes the scientific literature and substantiates the priority, the effectiveness of applying the “smart specialization” model to the process of innovative development of the resource region. The methodological approaches (methodological principles, conditions, criteria, scenario variants, algorithm) of formation of rapidly developing sectors of economy of raw material region on the model of “smart specialization” are specified. The authors of the article specify the methodological tools, which will allow to carry out the choice of the most promising technologies for the formation of rapidly developing sectors of the economy of the commodity region.

About the Authors

N. A. Kurmanov
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

PhD, professor-researcher 


A. T. Uskelenova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



A. Zh. Satbayeva
Risk Management Department JSC Industrial Development Fund



U. Zh. Aliyev
Center for Scientific Strategic Research




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For citations:

Kurmanov N.A., Uskelenova A.T., Satbayeva A.Zh., Aliyev U.Zh. Regional development of Kazakhstan based on “Smart Specialization” model. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(3):72-82.

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