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Current state and development of project management in the Republic of Kazakhstan


Project management and project approach in order to implement the development priorities of the country and its regions have acquired a dynamic development in Kazakhstan. The project approach as an effective form of management is actively applied in the following fields: manufacturing, IT, trade, construction, tourism, consulting, financial services, education, public administration, etc. There is a significant increase in successfully implemented projects in many areas of activity. The research on the experience of project management in the organizational environment of the state bodies is currently not enough. In connection with the intensification of the implementation of project management methodology, tools, methods and mechanisms in the activities of state structures, in-depth studies of project management best practices are needed for the successful realization of national projects on a national scale. The article aims to explore the present state and development of project management in Kazakhstan, which has a significant impact on both private and public sectors. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the generalization of knowledge about the project approach application in the public administration system. The research methodology includes a theoretical review of legal acts, a retrospective, comparative analysis, methods of generalization, systematization and analogies. Regulatory legal acts, statistical data, etc. were used as an information base. Within the framework of this review, the dynamics of project management development in state bodies is described through the prism of the implementation of state programs and national projects. The normative acts on project management in state bodies are considered. The methodological foundations of the project approach, the essence and key concepts of the classical and flexible approaches to project management are presented. Problematic issues that arise in the realization of state programs and national projects are identified.

About the Authors

К. Т. Turkebayeva
Satbayev University

PhD student 


О. S. Sabden
Institute of Economics Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan

d.e.s., professor 



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For citations:

Turkebayeva К.Т., Sabden О.S. Current state and development of project management in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(3):187-200. (In Russ.)

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