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Talent management as a tool for the formation of human capital


Currently, in management practice, depending on the formation of a new paradigm, when it comes to the human capital of an organization, the concept of talent management is also used. Talent management as a tool for the formation of human capital must be characterized from a theoretical point of view and understand the strategic importance. The purpose of the study is to clarify and prove the essence and importance of talent management at the state level. Based on a literature review of foreign fundamental and applied research created so far, the definition of the basic concepts and systematization of the theoretical foundations are given. The necessity of a motivating system for professional growth aimed at attracting, developing and retaining (retaining) talented people is proved. The conclusions proposed by the authors increase the importance of introducing talent management in all sectors of the economy and in the field of education in particular. Considering that this trend changes depending on the requirements of the time, the results make a theoretical and practical contribution to the field of research. In the course of demonstrating the value for the state, an analysis of the rating compiled by the IMD (World Talent Ranking) institute at the world level was carried out. As a result, the peculiarity of talent management and its use in the process of forming a personnel reserve is proved. Based on the literature, factors affecting the level of staff engagement in the work in the talent management process have been identified.

About the Authors

D. B. Zhulamanova
Turan University

PhD student 


G. K. Niyetalina
Turan University

c.e.s, associate professor 


E. Tankova
Chernorizets Hrabar Varna Free University

PhD, professor 


S. К. Iskendirova
The Branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of Akmola Region

PhD, professor 



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For citations:

Zhulamanova D.B., Niyetalina G.K., Tankova E., Iskendirova S.К. Talent management as a tool for the formation of human capital. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(3):212-222. (In Kazakh)

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