
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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No 2 (2023)
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11-25 507

The importance of a company’s financial potential lies in the fact that it should be considered as a hidden internal reserve. Financial resources are a reserve created by the financial system of the enterprise and providing inertia of selfdevelopment, self-preservation and development of stability of the financial system of the enterprise. The research is based on the analysis and evaluation of specialized literature and scientific publications on financial indicators of economic activity and their role in assessing the effectiveness of the enterprise. The financial stability of the company means that the financial flows of the company are stable and that the company has money to support the business for a certain period of time, as well as to cover loans and losses available for the production of the company’s products and services The indicators of the effective activity of the company and its solvency are important. Various methods were used to analyze the process under consideration: the assessment of financial potential, including methods of analysis of financial indicators and the dynamics of their changes. Traditional and mathematical methods of financial assessment, including comparison, clustering and methods of application of absolute, average and relative indicators, as well as methods of generalization and clustering of financial indicators of the company using analytical tables. The results will be presented to enterprises and analysts to assess the financial condition of the company as an aid to making effective management decisions aimed at increasing competitiveness and achieving target industry positions

26-37 381

The global crisis and the global coronavirus pandemic have had a significant impact on the performance of the restaurant and hotel business. The volume of sales turnover has significantly decreased. The second quarter of 2020 was marked by a record collapse in the turnover of restaurants – by 49.7% [1, 2, 3]. The same trend is observed in Kazakhstan and Ukraine. For almost a year, many hotel and restaurant buildings have been empty. A significant part of them are re-profiled as trading enterprises with food products, rented out or, more often, put up for sale. The widespread sale of objects of long-term assets requires their specific accounting reflection and a real assessment of long-term assets intended for sale; as well as the development of sections of the accounting policy dedicated to new, modern transactions for the sale and purchase of a business or part of a business. Accounting for such transactions requires the methodologically correct application of IFRS No. 5 “Long-term assets held for sale and discontinued operations” [4], which was previously rarely used, and often not used at all. For many years, the authors have been dealing with the problems of developing accounting and tax policies for various accounting items with the application of IFRS. While writing the article, the authors, relying on their scientific and practical experience and knowledge, determined the purpose – to offer recommendations and accounting records of transactions of sale of long-term assets, part of the business or the whole segment of the business, prepared for sale, for inclusion in a special section of the accounting company of the selling company. The article uses both general scientific research methods and special research methods. The specifics of the article and the range of interests of the authors are designed for accountants and teachers of universities in Russian-speaking countries and CIS republics, where IFRS are applied.

38-49 288

Reinsurance is important for ensuring the financial stability of the country’s insurance market, which determines the need for sufficiently strict legal control over this segment of the insurance market. The purpose of this article is a critical understanding of modern legislation governing the development of reinsurance activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the identification of those norms and requirements that significantly affect the development of the reinsurance market in the country. The results of the study showed that restrictive reinsurance measures, tested by world insurance practice, are applied in the country. The author made an attempt to identify the specifics of regulatory norms in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which impede cooperation in the field of reinsurance with the international community. Attention is drawn to the established high entry barriers for the participation of non-resident reinsurers in the reinsurance market of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which involves the purchase of reinsurance coverage mainly from leading foreign reinsurers. In order to expand the reinsurance capacity and reduce the cost of reinsurance, the author proposes to use the internal reserves of the national insurance market, as well as alternative reinsurance markets, one of which can be considered a single reinsurance space within the integration association of the EAEU countries. In this regard, it is necessary to harmonize the laws of these countries, especially in terms of determining the financial stability of insurance companies and assessing the solvency of reinsurers. The results of the study can be used to bring the legal regulation of reinsurance activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan in line with international practice.

50-65 343

International rating agencies and index providers believe external and internal uncertainties pressure Kazakhstan’s stock market. Analysts of agencies on the exchange map of the world refer to the Financial Market of Kazakhstan as the frontier, where the risks are high and poorly calculated. Based on 2022 data, Financial Market of Kazakhstan is characterized as a bit of liquid and very volatile, but still having good prerequisites for an increase in the rating (before Emerging), which may have beneficial consequences in the form of an influx of portfolio investment and entry into the global economy. The work aims to identify the main criteria and determinants for improving its position in international indices based on a comprehensive study of modern methodologies for classifying stock markets, as well as a critical analysis of the state of the domestic securities market. Set scientific questions are covered (What qualitative and quantitative criteria and factors of the stock market affect its rating according to the methodologies of international agencies? What determinants affect the increase in the rating of the domestic stock market?) by confirming the hypothesis “Identification and analysis of the main criteria and factors will positively affect the upgrade of the Kazakhstan stock market rating”. For the scientific study of theoretical and methodological practices affecting the identification of the main determinants of the FRC used interrelated, organically complementary and necessarily responsive to the tasks set empirical methods. The work has a great scientific and practical importance, which is confirmed by the adopted in September 2022 the Concept of development of the financial market of Kazakhstan until 2030.

66-78 253

The article examines the European Union experience in ensuring food security of the population. Food security is a topical issue for any country, as it is the basis for the provision of quality foods of the population. The study of various aspects of food security is therefore of interest to both scientific community and the general public. The aim of the research is to study the experience of the European Union countries in ensuring food security for the population of Kazakhstan, to identify trends in agricultural production of the European Union and Kazakhstan, as well as ways to solve this problem both in Kazakhstan and in the EAEU countries. A sufficiently detailed analysis has been conducted of the factors that ensure food security in the country. It is proved that in recent years there is an intensification of a competitive struggle at Eurasian Economic Union level. Practical significance of the work consists in specific recommendations of enhancing the food security of Kazakhstan. The main method of the research is the method of materialist dialectic, with other methods applied, in particular the method of comparative statistical data analysis, the method of historical and logical analysis, in the formation of government programmes in the agricultural policies of Kazakhstan and the European Union countries. In addition, the method of retrospective analysis was applied to the tables, which revealed certain trends in food security in Kazakhstan, as well as the dynamics of trade relations

79-91 697

As a result of the formation of new geopolitical, economic, and social conditions, the consumer goods market is undergoing high volatility, which entails significant changes. At the same time, the transformation concerns not only the behavior of consumers but also the marketing policies of companies selling goods from the fast-moving consumer goods sector. The scientific article presented the current indicators of the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) market in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The results of changes in the economic profile of consumers are given based on the interpretation of the survey data. The article aims to study the impact of consumer behavior transformation on Kazakhstan's consumer goods (FMCG) market. The following research methods were used in the study: statistical analysis, survey, and in-depth interview. As a result of the study, the economic characteristics of the market were reflected based on the results of a statistical cross-section of 2022 the three quarters. The forecast of further transformation of the market and the explanation of individual trends was formed based on the data from the conducted expert interview. Accordingly, in a three-stage study, up-to-date data on the volume and structure of the FMCG market were obtained, a modern economic portrait of the consumer was derived, and the possibilities for improving consumer loyalty in the Republic of Kazakhstan were assessed. Local FMCG and retail companies can use final data in the processes of building sales strategies and studying the behavior of a modern consumer, as well as in the formation of sales policy and tactical decisions. These studies may be relevant for companies that still need their analytical tools.

92-104 633

In a market economy, one of the key categories is competitiveness. The efficiency of the functioning of the enterprise characterized by the level of competitiveness of the manufactured product. The opening of the Kazakh market to foreign companies has led to a revival of competition. At the same time, a significant part of the products of Kazakh enterprises turned out to be uncompetitive not only in the world, but also in the domestic market. Kazakhstan’s industrial policy today adheres to a non–alternative course towards the development of non–primary sectors of the economy that do not depend on the conditions of world markets [1]. In this regard, there is a need to develop conceptual frameworks for increasing the competitiveness of products of enterprises in the extractive industries. On the example of the light carpet industry the authors of this article studied the global trends in the production of carpets and determined the place of domestic carpet products in the world market. An analysis of the current state of the carpet sub–sector in the domestic market of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out. The purpose of the article is to improve the assessing methods for the carpet products competitiveness by using economic and mathematical modeling. The proposed model provides an integrated approach and helps to reduce the cost of carpet products and accordingly, to increase its competitiveness by reducing the costs of its production and marketing. In the research the methods of economic and mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, economic analysis and synthesis, etc. were used. The relevance of the topic of the research is determined by the fact that the development of recommendations to improve the competitiveness of carpet products in the domestic market will contribute to the economic growth of the industry, meeting the requirements of socio-economic development of the country.

105-117 283

This article will focus on such an urgent topic as inventory accounting, since at present production stocks make up a significant part of the value of the enterprise's property, and the cost of material resources in some industries reaches 90% or more in the cost of production. Also, production stocks (raw materials, materials, fuel, etc.), being objects of labor, accompany the production process of the enterprise with means of labor and labor force, which are used once. Materials are fully used in the production process as part of current assets and fully lead their value to the value of the products produced. The continuity of the development, production and shipment (sale) processes in the company's field of activity depends not only on funds, but also on the need for funds. Accounting, control, rationing and planning of various processes for the use of current assets, in particular production assets, are very important. Material stocks, their composition, sources of formation are the most important stage of regulation and management of the production process and production costs. Basic and auxiliary materials are formed in the volume of permanent, non-decreasing stocks and costs of most industrial companies exceeding the volumes formed at their own expense. Production stocks are fully consumed in each production cycle and completely replace their value with the value of the products produced. For the correct organization of inventory accounting, their classification, evaluation, methods and choice of accounting unit are important.

118-129 649

A key factor in the development of Kazakhstan’s economy is the digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises, the use of digital information and communication technologies to restructure the business so that all decisions are taken on the basis of data. The structure of digital transformation is presented. End-to-end digital technologies are used to collect, store, process, search, and transmit data electronically. The proliferation of IoT technologies and the use of data from IoT devices to improve automated solutions and optimize industrial production plays an important role in the transition to digital production. The most important task of modern business models is to create an omnichannel space, synchronizing data and information in all digital and physical interaction channels to meet the needs of customers at any time and in any place. The prospects for the development of digitalization and robotization of our economy are related to the development and implementation of robotic means. An important area of development of digitalization and robotization of the economy of our republic is the development and application of software robot managers. The structure of the software robot manager is given. It is noted that digitalization and robotization technologies will provide unique opportunities for Kazakh enterprises, including high accuracy of forecasting and making management decisions based on data, multiple cost reductions, providing a better quality “customer experience”.

130-142 240

The object of the research is the hypothesis: most of the features of the “smart specialization” model are present, at least formally, in the traditional development strategies of the regions of Kazakhstan. The “pure” condition for testing the hypothesis is the absence of the phrase “smart specialization” in the strategies (programs) of regional development from 2012 to 2021; lack of indications that the “smart specialization” model was taken into account; lack of appropriate directives from the state authorities. The article evaluates the strategies of innovative development of selected regions of Kazakhstan according to the criteria of the “smart specialization” model. The information base of the research was served by open sources: specialized bases of normative and legal acts, official websites of regions. Adapted method of smart specialization RIS3 Self-Assessment Wheel was used for testing the advanced research hypothesis. The basic methodology of the European Commission is based on point evaluations (on a scale of 0–5) of strategic regions according to 18 criteria, which detail 6 steps for the creation and development of a regional strategy of smart specialization. After completing the assessment of regional strategies (programs), the final result was presented in the form of a “web” diagram, on which the strengths and weaknesses of the innovative development of the considered regions were highlighted.

143-158 967

The authors considered the current state and problems of state regulation of entrepreneurial activity in Kazakhstan. The main purpose of the study is to analyze the state regulation of entrepreneurial activity in Kazakhstan. The main scientific and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the authors assessed the state regulation of entrepreneurial activity at the present stage of development. The methodological basis of state regulation of entrepreneurial activity was theoretical and practical research of the basic concepts of the operational and functional system of an entrepreneur in the economy, theories of entrepreneurship, experience of state support of business in foreign countries, etc. The authors also analyzed the dynamics of the development of registered and the number of operating small and medium-sized businesses and private businesses in Kazakhstan. The authors also assessed the state support for existing loans/leasing transactions of entrepreneurs previously issued by second-tier banks and leasing companies. In 2022, subsidies were paid in the amount of 127.5 billion tenge, signed projects – 24,308 and the total amount of signed projects – 732.08 billion tenge. At the end, the authors proposed priority areas for stimulating and supporting small and medium-sized businesses in Kazakhstan, and gave parameters for the development of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Thus, in Kazakhstan, the state regulation of entrepreneurial activity is quite complex and extensive, including state and local institutions, non-governmental and commercial organizations. The results of the conducted research make a certain contribution to the development of housing lending, can be used to prepare lectures on relevant disciplines, and also be the basis for further in-depth research.

159-171 241

Today, procurement activity has an important role in every subject of economic activity and is considered one of the most important areas of activity of the enterprise, as it lays the foundation for the successful activity of the subject. Due to the rapid growth of the global economy and the globalization of business, supply chains at both the international and local levels have become more integrated and, consequently, in order to gain the maximum possible competitive advantage in the market, enterprises should pay special attention to supply chains and make great efforts to strengthen, strengthen and optimize them. Due to the widespread development of logistics activities, procurement has become the most important procedure in the corporate strategy, as with effective management of the procurement system, it becomes one of the tools to reduce overall costs, and, as a result, to achieve a higher level of profitability. The purchasing activities of retailers can have a significant negative impact on the working conditions in the supply chain as a whole. Many key procurement processes and decisions in the supplier company, such as deadlines, the relationship between buyer and supplier, critical path management, supplier search, affect how supplier companies manage their production and workforce, and this may indirectly affect working conditions. Thus, improving the problem of effective organization and management of the procurement system makes it possible to significantly influence the success of each economic entity and its competitiveness.

172-185 269

More than half of the world’s total population lives in urban areas, and it is expected that by 2050 more than 70% of them will live in urban areas. Population growth and continued urbanization around the world are causing many social, economic, technical and organizational problems related to transportation, businesses, communication networks, services and utilities that can threaten the economic and environmental sustainability of cities. The COVID-19 pandemic has raised new questions for society and has made adjustments to urban development plans and sustainable development goals. The consequences of quarantine measures have affected not only national economies, but also the comprehensive development of societies. All this creates the basis and prerequisites for the study of the peculiarities of the postpandemic development of the urbanization process. The article deals with the main aspects of post-pandemic urban development. The main goal of this scientific research is to determine the priority directions of socio-economic development of cities. The methods of retrospective, statistical analysis, analogies and generalizations are used to study this topic. During the study the authors have analyzed the state policy documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the direction of development of cities and regions of Kazakhstan, studied the foreign experience of some countries in implementing the principles of sustainable development of cities, considered the concept of building “smart cities” as one of the priority directions of post-pandemic development of urbanization. The practical significance of this work lies in the development of priority directions for the implementation of the Concept of socio-economic development of cities in the postpandemic period.

186-200 429

The major purpose of the article is to guide the state via population employment policy and social assistance provision to assess the requirements of social groups, the inclusion of able-bodied citizens in the number of employees, and encouraging people to retrain and learn new professions. The demand for highly skilled and competent professionals is increasing as production becomes more competitive. Therefore, vocational training and retraining of national qualified personnel is a requirement of today. In this regard, one of the main urgent problems and requiring comprehensive scientific research is to improve the mechanisms of socio-economic, organizational and infrastructural services of labor market regulation, providing employment for the region, creating a public training and retraining program for the unemployed as an active form of social protection. The main task of the article is to the main issues of socio-economic development aspects based on trends in the labour market and employment. Therefore the sustainable development of the country is directly related to sustainable employment and prevention of various unfavorable conditions in the labor market. Improvement of financial and economic mechanisms and strengthening of market infrastructure within the market economy of the country have a significant impact on various social aspects, especially in the sphere of labor and employment. The labor market in Kazakhstan summarized the contradictions of regional labor markets. Analyzed the problem of employment in the regions to differentiate the labor force and labor market in order to create a unified strategy at the macro level. In addition, the important directions in the use of labor resources and influencing their state economic crisis, resource shortage for job creation, professional level of labor resources, the level of growth of technical lighting of production, the movement of the sectoral structure of production were considered. Socio-economic policy of the country should create a priority route approach to the use of labor resources.

201-215 569

The corona virus epidemic has created a crisis around the world. The impact of this epidemic on the countries of the world was great, which can be seen in the collapse of their economies. During the pandemic, the state provided special assistance to vulnerable groups of the population, special conditions were created for it. First of all, products were distributed to help large families, people with disabilities, pensioners, then the state helped financially. The pandemic has widened the gap between the rich and the poor, leading to increased inequality, unemployment, and rising food prices, primarily affecting to socially vulnerable groups. The main goal is to study the assistance provided by the state to the socially vulnerable groups of the population after the quarantine and to identify its inefficiencies. The pandemic has exposed deep inequalities and significant gaps in the coverage, comprehensiveness and adequacy of social protection. The COVID-19 crisis has confirmed the important role of social protection, and the importance of social protection as an economic stabilizer has increased. It is clear that this study will also be a helpful tool in making decisions regarding the situation of socially vulnerable groups in possible future crises.


216-233 464

Kazakhstani tourism market is considered a promising direction for the development of export-oriented services. Even though according to international estimates, tourism in Kazakhstan is young and underdeveloped, Kazakhstan has all the necessary prerequisites for presenting an attractive industry product on the international market. This article presents an overview of the current state of tourism in Kazakhstan, in which the following key indicators were considered: the structure of the tourist flow, the number of visitors served by accommodation places, their travel goals, and the share of the contribution of the gross value added of tourism to the republican gross domestic product. The purpose of the study is to present the current situation in tourism before and after the covid epidemic in the world and Kazakhstan. The study used cabinet methods of information collection, comparative analysis, methods of generalization, tourism-specific analysis, and synthesis. The research was based on secondary data, the results of the author’s analysis of sources and scientific papers over the past 5 years, statistical information, analytical reports, and specialized articles from industry publications. The results of the study reflect the picture of the current state of the tourism services market in Kazakhstan and its development in 2017–2021. The results of the study will allow us to form a comprehensive view of the state of the tourism industry as a starting point in its further development, and the development of long-term plans for its activities. They and the formed conclusions can be applied in the subsequent works of researchers and can also be used by Kazakhstani tour operators in their practical activities


234-247 493

The article examines the assessment of the impact of information technology on the effectiveness of public administration. Recently, consideration of the issues of the impact of information technologies on the effectiveness of public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan has become of particular importance in the context of the development of digitalization in today’s world, which is changing all the previously established mechanisms and principles of the functioning of public administration. At the same time, a number of problems have developed in the field of informatization of public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In particular, “the low level of implementation of digital tools, non-systemic digitalization, the lack of information in indicators of the efficiency of goals and objectives. It is very often observed in the practice of subordinate organizations that are responsible for maintaining IT do not attach serious importance to budget expenditures and do not try to contribute to their reduction or optimize them. They also do not care about the standardization of the technologies they use, the flexibility of new products and the restructuring of infrastructure for digitalization. In this regard, the goal of the article is to identify the theoretical and applied foundations for assessing the impact of information technologies on the effectiveness of public administration in order to fill the existing gap in the science of public administration. Achieving this goal involved the use of general, general scientific and particular scientific methods of science, including methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, abstraction, induction, analogy and comparison. The results of this article, obtained in the course of the study, can be used to further improve the system for assessing the impact of information technology on the effectiveness of public administration, as well as in scientific research in the field of public administration. The results of this study include the identification of theoretical and applied foundations in the system for assessing the impact of information technology on the effectiveness of public administration.

248-258 370

The article provides a general analysis of the demographic trends of monotowns. Classification, population, employment, migration trends and state support measures for economic diversification of monotowns in Kazakhstan with prospects for the development of town forming enterprise in case of depletion of raw materials. If in some monotowns we see growth of population then others demonstrate the population outflow, therefore we analyzed existing trends in socio-economic development of monotowns, but significant part of them shows demographic decline and outflow of skilled labor force. We provided a comparative analysis, methods of analytical analysis and a review of foreign and domestic scientific literature. We consider the ways of solving problems and development methods of monotowns. We studied socio-economic development level, international experience in solving problems and evaluated the effectiveness of state aid for monotowns. Nine monotowns due to their location have close economic ties with regional centers, which has a positive effect on their economic development. Population in these cities is generally stable. Economy diversification due to competitiveness of monotowns, balance of labor force, labor resources through demographic indicators such as mortality, migration growth, life expectancy. Vast territory, low population density, demographic growth and decline, remoteness from natural resources and intensive development of deposits, development of monotowns remain one of the most main tasks. The population decline in monotowns is observed in Pavlodar, Kostanay, East Kazakhstan, Mangystau regions, and the population of monotowns in Kazakhstan has decreased over the past five years

259-271 442

The main and important element of infrastructure is transport, therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of public production, it is necessary to develop transport infrastructure, high-quality transport services in order to ensure the connectivity of the economic area. Currently, any country sets a goal – that is the formation of a modern highly efficient transport and logistics infrastructure. Transport needs to be viewed in a dynamic context in terms of its ability to contribute to the economy. The development of transport infrastructure is multidimensional, which depends on many factors. It has several directions, the evaluation of which requires a new approach to the development of new methods that would ensure the objectivity of research in modern conditions. The paper substantiates the need for effective interaction of railway, automobile, river and sea modes of transport in a balanced distribution of cargo flows, reducing transport costs in the price of goods, which will increase the competitiveness of domestic goods on the world market. The authors discuss the main trends in the development of foreign and domestic transport infrastructure. It is concluded that the development of transport infrastructure is possible due to the development, development of methods and methods of high-performance and efficient use of high-tech technologies, innovative forms and methods of organization, information, and digital technologies.

272-284 687

Sustainable human resources management is a new concept proposed by scientists as a response to the global transformation of the human resource management system in companies. The concept aims at the effective use of human resources to achieve the economic, social and environmental goals of an organization, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable human resource management aims at the harmonious and long-term development of all important stakeholders of the company – employees, organization and society. With the transition of the whole world towards sustainable development, this approach to human resource management is relevant. The attitude to development of employees and company with the strategy of long-term development positively influences such key indicators as satisfaction, loyalty, involvement of employees, and these indicators lead to the growth of productivity and development of the company as a whole. The purpose of this article is to reveal the essence of the concept of sustainable human resource management and to make the author’s model of the concept. The method of literature review on the basis of Scopus database for the whole period was applied in the work. The selection of works was carried out according to the method of the authors Schiederig, Titze, Herstatt in three stages. On the basis of the selected works the analysis of the origin and development of the concept was made, definitions were given, the main characteristics and models of the concept of sustainable human resource management were identified and systematized, and the author’s model of this concept was presented. The study can serve as a theoretical and practical basis in companies to achieve long-term development goals

285-296 266

In the context of global digitalization, the main resource for ensuring the competitiveness of states is a person. Today, the prevailing opinion in the scientific and public environment is that intellectual capital has a higher price than property capital. The experience of foreign countries in the management of human capital development aroused scientific interest when writing this article. The relevance of the study is due to the need to increase the main criteria for the development of state development strategies at the global level, in particular, the level of innovative and social development, improving the competitiveness of the country’s economy. The purpose of the research work is to identify the relationship between intellectualization, digitalization, economic development and the development of human capital by countries, as well as to determine the role of human capital as a tool for implementing government strategies. The research paper analyzes the world practice of managing the development of human capital on the basis of data presented in current publications of international organizations, in particular the United Nations Development Program for Human Development, the International Monetary Fund, the Imperative of Social Progress, the World Economic Forum, etc., as well as in studies of indexed rating journals.

297-309 218

Humanity has entered a new phase of development where economic growth is determined not so much by production, finance, consumption, etc., but by social, environmental, and institutional factors. Scientists from different countries have come to the understanding that economic processes are much more complex in their structure and require a greater study of qualitative indicators for further development. These studies show the importance of subjective statistical data and the importance of studying them. In Kazakhstan, the vector of political development is focused on “human-centeredness” in decision-making and the development of strategic plans. It would be a great omission to neglect the study of subjective statistical indicators in order to achieve the set objectives. The aim of this research is to ensure that Kazakhstan does not lag behind in the trend of studying alternative (subjective) types of statistical data in the development and implementation of territorial development strategic plans. The analysis of scientific literature on the problems of territorial development of the quality of life and the comparative analysis of foreign use of the definition of statistical indicators of the quality of life with Kazakhstani practice is the methodology of the study. The study in this direction has revealed a number of shortcomings and limitations in the methodology of statistical data on «quality of life» starting from data collection, sampling, processing, and evaluation. It is possible to note a the lack of data on the quality of life at the local level or a breakdown by region for a more in-depth study. This research aims to draw attention to the importance of subjective indicators in making management decisions, developing and implementing strategic plans for territorial development. We assume that crisis situations, such as the «January events» can be avoided in the future if subjective statistical data is taken into account on an equal footing with quantitative economic indicators.

310-321 442

To date, the Law on the Civil Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil servants has approved ethical rules, tasks, requirements that must be observed when interacting with society, however, explanations of communicative competencies, communication skills that must be observed when interacting with society are not given. The concept of development of local self-government in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025 outlines the need to clarify the status, functions, and powers of civil servants taken together of the current model of local self-government. The research paper uses the results of a sociological survey conducted by the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2021, which indicate the main characteristics of the state body: accessibility of the state body, starting with the availability of contacts and addresses in the public domain; openness in providing information about activities and budget; availability of existing feedback channels with the population. This result once again confirms the need to improve the communicative competencies of civil servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the course of writing the article, the analysis of the content and history of the development of the process of reforming the civil service of the countries of Great Britain, France, USA, Switzerland, Japan, Canada, South Korea, standards of conduct of civil servants was carried out. Based on foreign experience, on the full coordination of the functions of the Civil Servants Service, on the experience of introducing the benchmarking process into the public administration system, the principles of the Civil Service Commission, the School of Public Service, Charity and Care in the country, recommendations are given on the formation of a model of professional communicative competencies of Kazakhstan civil servants.


322-334 234

Educational services are a commodity that benefits primarily those who consume it (individuals and the state). In the context of this topic such aspects as the quality of the workforce, a high level of income, high wages for workers and sustained economic growth are very important. All this defines the investment nature of educational services. Consequently, education in the context of its interaction with business can be understood as a social institution, which trains a skilled workforce in accordance with market requirements, the state of culture, changes in science and technology, as well as oriented towards the dynamic development of society and the growth of competitiveness of national (regional) economy. The ongoing reforms in higher education still leave many problems and challenges unresolved. The State Programme of Education and Science Development for 2020–2025 implemented in Kazakhstan requires a new level of relations between educational institutions, business, and society. Undoubtedly, business understands both the challenges and difficulties of higher education and in general is ready to participate in such processes as development of professional standards, formation of the content of educational programmes, monitoring of labour market needs in development of innovative education. However, new effective models and mechanisms of interaction between HEIs and business, based on a systematic approach including economic, managerial and legal aspects, are needed. The aim of the study is to develop theoretical, practical, methodological recommendations for improving the models of interaction between universities and business structures, which will allow the implementation of high quality innovative education.

335-349 295

The research topic is relevant due to the fact that the education system belongs to one of the main and important areas of sustainable development and improvement of countries. The purpose of the research topic is to reflect the role and attraction of investment in education as one of the main factors of sustainable economic growth and development, both of individual enterprises and society as a whole. The article reflects the importance and value of obtaining highquality education of the population at all levels of education. In the process of conducting research, it was revealed and noted that in order to improve the quality of education, it is necessary to attract investments in the form of investments. During the research, various methods and techniques were used, the main of which are: analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, economic and statistical analysis, etc. The research materials of the scientific research were statistical data of the Eurasian Economic Union 2017–2021. According to the results of the research, the main ways of increasing the level of education, which has an impact on improving the quality of human capital: the formation of a single labor market in the Eurasian space, attracting investment in education, which will contribute to the growth of qualified and competitive personnel. Despite the fact that the issues of attracting investment in education as a basis for economic development are considered in the works of many academic economists, this problem is still relevant.

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)