
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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No 4 (2020)
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9-18 1045
The purpose of this research is to find out whether HRM implementations actualized by businesses affect organizational performance. HRM is a strategic approach towards finding human resource that is the key source of the organization for gaining and increasing performance. In this research the relationship between HRM and performance of an organization has been analyzed in relation with HRM functions, i.e. labour force planning, recruitment and placement, in-service training performance assessing, and charging, awarding. HRM is implementation of plans, programs and strategies revealed in line with the purposes and objectives of an organization to find the human resource needed. The more concordance of HRM with the organization and the best implementations in HRM are applied the more the organizational performance indicators. HRM contributes for organizational success combining human and information source. Effective HRM implementations provide competitive advantage as well. The article states that strategic, well-planned HRM has been observed to positively affect organizational performance, as HRM practices affect extremely important organizational outputs for organizational performance such as financial performance, labor turnover and productivity. The article also states the increase in in-service training programs contributes significantly to the achievement of organizational goals and increasing labor productivity in organizations with low productivity.
19-26 742
The article analyzes anti-crisis state economic measures, justifies the inadmissibility of “targeted anti-crisis measures”, practicality of long-term planning, which should become the foundation of complex approach to state anticrisis management amid the global financial crisis, Russian economic crisis, anti-Russian sanctions and the pandemic of Covid–19. As part of solving this problem – improving the quality of public administration – many scientists and practitioners have high hopes for the global digitalization of the economy, which provides for the introduction of adaptability to the challenges of the digital economy into the state mechanism. The authors focus on the low level of efficiency of interbudgetary relations, which indicates that one of the most important shortcomings of the mechanism used in Russia is the untimely allocation of budget allocations from the state budget-to-budget recipients, one of the unjustified reasons for which may be the conviction of government officials that budget spending stimulates inflation. As part of increasing the level of state anti-crisis management and regulation of personal responsibility of federal executive bodies, it seems expedient to propose the representatives of science13 to include the indicator of evenness of
budget execution in the list of criteria for assessing the quality of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In addition, the article investigates the negative consequences of VAT increase, the abolition of indexation of a working retired person’s pension, the establishment of market relations in the housing and communal services, realistic budget policy. The article pays particular attention to bankruptcy institution in Russia and its negative consequences, the need to increase the level of research and development commercialization in universities.
27-33 495
According to international experience, the coordinated activities of higher education institutions, science, including new innovative structures (such as technology parks, foresight centers, expert and futuristic communities) and business should be main resource for the formation of effective innovation-driven economy. The focus of integration of education, science and business is on an innovative-entrepreneurial university that contributes to the strengthening and optimization of education and market. The attitude towards the main productive force that is towards an individual of highly intellectual and highly productive labor is changing.The role of specialists of the new format in innovation-driven economy is significant and will constantly grow. The main growth vectors should be intensity of innovations, leading education (with focus on technological progress and innovations), student-centeredness and strategic partnership. Innovative modernization can affect not only the qualitative transformations of socio-economic development, but also destabilize the balance of the economy and contribute to the manifestation of instability. This requires strengthening the interaction between education, science and entrepreneurship through synergy. The mechanism for the formation of an innovative model for the development of higher education should represent relations and institutions that guarantee the transformation of knowledge into new technologies, form a favorable competitive economic environment that provides innovative activity and the development of a fundamentally new innovative production. A problem in the educational activities of universities is the need for the earliest possible development of new areas of broad training of specialists in the field of management of innovative processes and commercialization of technologies, coupled with an insufficient level of real opportunities and incentives.
34-38 380
The formation of the EAEU was initially associated with the task of jointly providing competitive advantages in the global economy. However, today it is becoming increasingly clear that the solution to this problem is being carried out inconsistently. The goal of the article is to investigate the main factors that determine the lack of consistency in the development of integration processes on the basis of system analysis. It is concluded that in many respects their manifestation is determined by the prevalence of political aspects over economic ones. Indeed, the practice of recent years shows that the Eurasian Economic Union is developing at an insufficient pace and not without internal contradictions with the declared goals and principles. They were especially exposed during the formation of a longterm development strategy for the period up to 2025. It must be admitted that in recent years, political aspects have increasingly come to the fore, pushing aside a purely economic agenda. Moreover, the EEC, in addition to the idea of a single currency and a single supranational bank, is persistently advancing the expansion of its powers in supranational regulation of such spheres as healthcare, education and other social areas of development. This, in our opinion, is the main risk for the union. At the same time, the successful development of well-known world integration associations is based on the unconditional priority of the principles of economic integration. Proposals are being made to ensure the sustainable development of the association, taking into account the balanced interests of member states and reduce possible risks.
39-45 810
This article is devoted to cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan in the economic sphere. The article analyzes the analysis of trade relations between countries, the structure of exports and imports. The author describes the priority areas of cooperation and the main aspects of the development of regional cooperation and economic cooperation in cross-border trade. Special attention was paid to an important stage of bilateral relations between Russia and Kazakhstan within the framework of the EAEU. This paper presents major projects in the field of energy, industry, education, infrastructure and transport, as well as studies economic cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The study examined the dynamics of trade turnover for the period 2015–2019. The ratio of exports and imports by year is considered. The paper considers the structure of Russia's exports to Kazakhstan in 2019. The article also examines the share of imports from Russia in the total imports of Kazakhstan. International relations allow us to develop the economy of two countries, which is very important in the context of globalization. Statistics show that Russian-Kazakh relations are steadily strengthening. The development of communications between states will open up new areas for cooperation in the future. The dynamic development of the strategic partnership between the two countries will extend to all new areas of trade and economic cooperation in high-tech industries, especially in the field of space and nuclear energy. However, the huge potential of trade and economic cooperation has not been fully realized.
46-51 612
This article examines the main directions of industrial policy, covering the knowledge economy, integration into global value chains, the new industrial revolution, stable development, etc. It should be noted that in the current environment, industrial policy is characterized as more diverse and complex. The article also presents the main stages of development in approaches to industrial policy in the world. Such models of industrial policy as capacity building, protective, catch-up development, based on innovation, aimed at a new industrial revolution are considered. The characteristics of these models of industrial policy are given, in which the differences in the degree of industry specificity, the degree of intervention, the degree of openness to external competition, and the degree of export orientation are studied in more detail. Three phases of industrial policy were studied. Models and tools of industrial policy in high-income countries are also considered. The experience of countries such as South Korea and Taiwan, which have transformed from a group of upper-middle-income countries to a group of high-income countries through high innovation costs have been studied. In particular, the forms and tools of industrial policy in these countries are considered. Thus, the article studied the world experience of creating and implementing industrial policies in highincome and upper-middle-income countries.
52-60 679
The transition to the use of high technologies and related technology is the most important link of the scientific and technological revolution (STD) and scientific and technological progress (STP) at the present stage. The Republic of Kazakhstan has sufficient resources to build modern production facilities on the principles of high technology. Under scientific branches of economics is understood a group of enterprises producing homogeneous industrial products, for which there is a high share of investment costs, costs, investments in the form of research. The author studied modern types of high technologies focused on the development of industry. At our glance, in theory and in practice, it is possible to describe some types of high technology, including in the processing industry. On the basis of the studied material, we have formed priorities for the use of high technologies in the industry on the principles of greening the industry, developed targets and principles for the introduction of high technologies in industrial enterprises. The study of modern approaches to understanding the essence of high technology shows that when creating and applying in industry and other sectors of the economy it is necessary to take into account the trends associated with the transition to a well-founded based on knowledge. It should be noted that the country has enough resources to build modern production facilities based on high-tech principles: take measures to stop capital outflows, including a temporary ban on investments abroad. The authors noted that the development and application of high technologies in the practice of industrial enterprises should always be accompanied by the formation of appropriate innovation processes, directly and indirectly contributing to the rise of a new, more sophisticated industry.
61-67 1545
The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the problem of finding optimal models of social policy that guarantee socio-political stability and presuppose the development of modern states. During the period of economic downturn, the social sphere becomes vulnerable, the emerging social crisis leads to a transition to the political sphere. In domestic conditions, the state is faced with a dilemma – to move towards the liberalization of the economic and political space, stabilizing the social sphere or strengthening control. Both options can be, but neither the first nor the second option can guarantee a successful outcome. In a crisis, there is a problem of maintaining the same level of social guarantees for foreign countries and the lack of economic growth. In this regard, the main area of interaction between civil society and the state is the sphere of social policy. The social policy of the state is the main content and goal of the government. Political forces are legitimate in conditions conducive to the preservation and improvement of the standard of living of society. As well as solving social problems. In this regard, the study of the laws of the implementation of social policy and their application in social, economic and political reality are relevant and important.
68-75 604
The article analyzes the socio-economic development of the country, identifies the main trends in the regional development of the economy, conducts an analysis, identifies the main problems of forming a modern effective structure of industrial production in the country, as well as the rating of regional development, and elaborates recommendations. The article proposes an integrated approach to regional development, the development of interregional ties, the development of investment projects, the financial provision of problem areas, specific measures to improve interbudgetary relations, reduce and prolong inconsistencies in the regional development of the country, and integrated development. will contribute to the formation of a rational and fair regional proportion. The theoretical and methodological foundations of socio-economic development and the ways of its improvement, formation of a system of state regulation of the economic development of regions, the use of a regulatory mechanism in accordance with the requirements of objective economic legislation, the level of efficiency of territorial administration and analysis of regional development ratings are considered. Its importance increases if to take into account the modernization and decentralization of management, as well as the complexity of socio-economic processes and relationships between business entities and regulators. The forms of state regulation of the socio-economic development of regions represent an integral system of these methods, through which the state influences the economy.
76-80 393
The wealth of a nation in an information society is expressed in intelligence, creative ideas, information, the mass of knowledge, intellect, in other words, in the objects of accumulated intellectual capital. The growing role of education and science, the strengthening of the values of intellectual activity within the national economy contribute to the formation and improvement of the human potential of society, being the essential factors of socio-economic progress. Human potential development is one of the most important tasks facing any country. The competitive advantages of the economy, the possibilities of its modernization are directly determined by the accumulation in the country and the employed human potential. After all, the possibilities and limits of necessary changes in social development are determined by people with their professional experience, education and qualifications. This article discusses a systematic approach to the study of human potential. Using a systematic approach allows establishing the integrity and boundaries of human potential, to determine the composition and structure of its elements. Within the framework of system approach, the elements of human potential are classified according to some characteristics: subjects of human potential, the content of knowledge as the basis of human potential, the possibility of fixing knowledge, its alienation and reproduction, the form of interaction within the system of human potential.
81-88 392
This scientific article examines the state and potential of key factors in the formation of the intellectual potential of the Mangystau region. Based on the development of factorial economic and mathematical models, the analysis of the impact of personnel training in the systems of vocational and higher education is carried out. It is shown that personnel training is not fully focused on the needs of the innovative economy. At the same time, it is concluded that higher education has a smaller impact on labor productivity than vocational education. And this complicatesthe restructuring of the regional management system in the direction of active use of innovative management tools. The author's view on the formation of the region's innovation system based on the integration of research institutionsand universities into a single scientific and educational complex is also presented here. In our research, the authors develop and in some publications reflect the theoretical and methodological issues of improving the efficiency of the regional economy in modern conditions of urgency of industrial and innovative development.The systematic research approach required from a scientific point of view presupposes a vision of these issues in a chain of relationships: “economic growth – consistent diversification of production – technological innovations-regional innovation systeminnovation-oriented management – management innovations-innovation capital-intellectual capital – intellectual potential-factors of formation of intellectual potential”. On the basis of such a scientific and educational complex, as a wider range of factors is involved, the intellectual potential of the region will be formed.
89-95 757
In modern conditions, an important scientific and practical task of ensuring the innovative economy development is building a model as competencies of the innovation manager. Determination of future competency needs enables the higher education system to carry out thoughtful adaptation of the professional training process for innovative staff and increase the competitiveness of educational programs. The article discusses the competencies of the manager’s profession – working at the average managerial level and engaged in innovation activity, which includes: assessing the commercial potential of innovation; operational planning and organization of work on innovation management; management of all stages in the innovation project; work with partners in the innovation market; monitoring the implementation of measures to promote innovation on the market, etc. An approach to the formation of a model of competencies of the manager of innovation in the form of an ordered list of five groups: professional, functional, digital, sociocultural and cognitive competencies are proposed. The research results will be aimed at improving and updating two educational programs of ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov “Innovation Management” and “Management” at three levels: undergraduate, graduate and PhD. The developed model of innovation activity manager competencies will be the basis for further research, namely: when assessing the formedness level of competencies among students and graduates; when developing training program and developing the competencies of innovation managers as part of the continuing education concept.
96-101 1697
The article is devoted to one of the current problems of personnel management. Measures taken by the state to increase human capital to increase the economic growth rate of Kazakhstan were considered. The features of personnel management in such developed countries as China, Japan and the USA are studied. The research revealed the characteristics of personnel management in these countries. During the study of the Japanese model of personnel management, it was revealed that the Japanese model is oriented towards the long term. The Japanese prefer slow progress through advanced training to a long-term goal.Afeature of the Japanese model is lifelong hiring. Unlike Japan, the American promotion culture is aimed at short-term guidelines. The US prefers to hire people with innovative ideas and an aggressive spirit. In addition, it was revealed that the employment system in Chinese state-owned companies is close to the Japanese permanent employment system. The employment system in China's private companies is identical to the free employment system in the United States. Chinese companies are focused on professional skills and work experience. An analysis of the development and personnel policy of Walmart, which has various forms of internal recruitment depending on the country, is given. We studied the experience of this company in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic. As a result of research, the need to take into account the peculiarities of the national mentality was identified. The application of the above HR management practices for our companies is justified.
102-106 516
At present, the problems of systematic development and improvement of the company's personnel management system based on its strategic and innovative focus in conditions of uncertainty are urgent. In modern conditions, a thoughtful approach to personnel management is extremely important; it is necessary to implement a balanced personnel strategy. A well-built HR management strategy will allow top management to form a team that meets the realities of modern business. The development of a personnel strategy is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of development plans for an organization, especially if management intends to carry out a series of organizational or technological reforms. Due to the pandemic in 2021, these seem to be not uncommon. The strategy should take into account all areas of work with personnel – from recruiting to dismissal – and be clearly focused on the implementation of the strategic objectives of the organization's business development. This fact raises the need for a more effective linkage of planning for labor requirements with planning of business performance. The direct connection of the HR strategy with the пeneral strategy of the company determines the probability of its effective implementation. This unity provides a condition for the implementation of strategies aimed at the growth of qualified personnel.When developing the methodological foundations of the research, the author studied the publications of famous scientists. The article presents the results of the analysis of conceptual approaches of various scientists to the study of the company's HR strategy.
107-113 574
In the article the authors studied the territorial aspect of migration of urban and rural population. The analysis of inter-regional migrations is necessary to assess the internal migration situation in the country. Based on statistical data, the analysis of the number and share of urban and rural population of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out. The differentiation of the population by Kazakhstan regions is studied. Based on the study of domestic sociodemographic indicators, it is concluded that migration and population are geodemographic terms that depend on each other. The analysis of the balance of interregional migration of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan is relevant, since demographic and economic results affect countries regardless of the level of economic development. The nature of migration in Kazakhstan has changed at the present stage, as values and migration factors have been transformed. Migration processes are a concrete result of a specific stage of socio-economic and political development of a country. This is confirmed by the analysis of the population of the capital for the period from 1999 to 2019. The growth of intraregional migration ensures the growth of demographic potential. The continuous outflow of people of working age from rural areas and the return of people of pre-retirement and retirement age to rural areas ensures age transformation in rural areas, namely demographic aging of the population. This process increases the demographic
burden on the working-age population and reduces the birth rate due to a drop in the number of people at the fertile age.
114-120 432
The labor market of the city of Kyzylorda is a special and planned sphere of social and economic society. Since it also covers the labor market directly involved in production, the concepts of unemployment and employment are important here. For many, losing their jobs in Kyzylorda means a poor quality of life and an unstable economy. Employment determines the content of the most important aspects of social development, recognized by meeting the needs of people in the labor market. Unemployment directly affects not only individuals, but also the state's economy, increasing public spending and reducing tax revenues. In addition, economic research in the city shows that longterm unemployment reduces the level of workers pay. These issues, in turn, generate political, moral, psychological, and social tensions. After losing a job, a citizen begins to feel insecure, his self-esteem decreases, and he begins to feel superfluous in society. The experience of the citizens such a bad psychological feelings gives rise to various family problems, turning them into a source of income through illegal means. Issues related to unemployment and employment in Kyzylorda that cause serious consequences, the state is obliged to directly resolve. In order to support unemployed citizens, the state applies various methods of providing assistance in employment, paying material payments, transferring funds.
121-127 442
The actions of each person underlie the principles of sustainable development of society. That is why education plays an essential role in the implementation of the ideas of sustainable development. In the minds and behaviour of people, their attitude to the environment, education acts as an instrument of positive transformations. Positive changes are taking place in society from the quality of education to the quality of life. Education acts as a regulator of various social processes: from the growth of culture and the rise of human needs to the development of production and the activation of global processes. The goal of education for sustainable development is the formation of the intellectual potential of society, which serves as the basis for ensuring a high quality of life and social equality. In the digital economy, the basis of the educational process should be innovation and the upbringing of a generation capable of generating innovation and learning throughout life. All this variety of competencies will form a personality that is resistant to modern digital reality. The transformation of higher education in the context of widespread digitalization requires an appropriate level of infrastructure, the level of digital competencies of teachers, and their readiness to change. After all, digital technologies are fundamentally changing the content and form of courses delivery. Higher education should work eproactively, shaping the digital competence of graduates, exceeding the existing range of knowledge, skills and abilities.
128-133 357
A general trend in the development of the tax policy of the EAEU countries has been the implementation of measures aimed at reducing the tax burden for small and medium-sized businesses. But the harmonization processes cannot proceed at a fast pace due to the existing features of the tax systems of countries seeking to unite. These are, first of all, differences in the tax laws of the Member States of the Union, and secondly, macroeconomic indicators differ quite strongly. The article analyzes the income, expenses and surplus (deficit) of the republican budget of the EAEU member countries and identifies their main differences. The study revealed that the EAEU countries have different approaches to administrative-territorial division and have different tax rates. In addition to the above, the tax systems of the EAEU countries differ in their approaches to direct and indirect taxation, and the composition of taxes collected differs. Much attention is paid in the article to the rapid development of information and communication technologies (hereinafter – ICT) and, in connection with this, the emerging need for the transformation of taxation in the digital economy. The main problems in the taxation of electronic commerce are identified and the need for the development of new technologies to identify transactions in cyberspace is substantiated. The author notes that the imperfection of the tax legislation of the EAEU member states in terms of regulating the taxation of e-commerce is also a significant obstacle in this area. In conclusion, the article provides an overview of measures aimed at resolving issues related to improving the efficiency of e-commerce administration. Issues related to setting a minimum cost threshold are subject to resolution, the procedure for administering VAT for transactions in B2B and B2C formats needs to be improved, and much more. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that the fiscal effect should be higher than the cost of administering this process.
134-140 2079
The article discusses the possibilities of using the relative dynamics of indicators for making management decisions. The method of absolute dynamics of economic indicators and the method of relative dynamics are compared. The advantages of using the growth rate of indicators in comparison with their absolute dynamics for analytical purposes are shown. Thus, if indicators with different units of measurement are analyzed, the detected deviations in absolute measurement are disproportionate and, therefore, cannot be compared with each other. On the contrary, using the relative dynamics method allows you to estimate the change in the analyzed indicators in relative terms, usually as a percentage. This makes it possible to compare the dynamics of incommensurable indicators and make analytical conclusions for making management decisions. The article provides examples of using the method of relative dynamics of indicators to assess the efficiency of technical, raw materials, personnel and financial policies of the production business. In particular, it shows a methodological approach to assessing the efficiency of the use of fixed assets based on the relative dynamics of business technical policy indicators. It also shows the possibility of assessing the financial stability of a business by comparing the growth rate of such important indicators of financial policy as the cost of equity and the cost of property. Taking into account that in reality the financial situation and efficiency of the business are constantly changing, it is necessary to regularly monitor its production and economic activities. In this case, it becomes possible to identify shortcomings in business management and make timely management decisions aimed at eliminating negative trends and improving the efficiency of business activities.
141-146 501
The article notes that the status, form and development of the content of the accounting and tax policy is still not given sufficient attention. The analysis of the current forms of accounting and tax policy has significant shortcomings and gaps. It is common to divide the normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan into 4 levels in the theoretical publications of Kazakhstan. Accounting policy, which occupies the fourth level among the regulatory documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, unfortunately, has not yet received a proper assessment and proper place in the organization of the national accounting system. Difficult to understand turns of speech in Russian and Kazakh translations of IFRS create obstacles both in applying IFRS in practice and in developing local accounting and tax policies at enterprises. The article recommends specific examples in the Methodological section of accounting and tax policy “Examples of recognition and valuation of fixed assets – class” Personal computers (PCs) and office equipment”. In the context of the two tables, the dynamics of the accounting records of the movement of this class of assets from the stage of acquisition, current recognition and derecognition are shown. The issued and approved accounting and tax policy should have the status of a regulatory document for internal use and be presented for review to all regulatory and higher-level bodies.
147-153 636
The system of financial control of the state is an integral attribute of state power. Improving its efficiency will help strengthen the financial, budgetary and tax order. Creating an effective system of state financial control by solving complex problems and identifying promising areas of development is an urgent task of the country. Any direction of state activity is formed on the basis of tasks that need to be implemented in the future to achieve the goals. In order to ensure full and timely budget execution, the Ministry of Finance is working to improve the quality of budget planning and execution, optimize and improve the efficiency of the budget execution process and treasury servicing accounts of state institutions, public procurement, as well as to prevent financial violations when using state budget funds. The internal state audit Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Department that performs functions in the field of internal financial control within the competence of the Central Executive body, monitors the use of budget funds at the national and local levels on the basis of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition, the Committee pays special attention to the targeted and effective use of budget funds allocated for the implementation of the address of the First President. Summarize, to ensure efficiency and avoiding inefficientin using funds, the activities of the financial control Committee of MF RK will be aimed at protecting the interests of the budget by further improving the efficiency of internal public financial control and the improvement of its conduct in collaboration with other bodies.
154-159 674
This article specifies that the mobilization preparation of the economy is the most important part of the organization of defense and security of any state. The socio-economic content of such categories as “mobilization”, “mobilizability”, “mobilization economy”, “mobilization deployment” and “economic mobilization” is defined in full. The main features of the mobilization economy and peculiarities of economic mobilization are defined. Features of economic mobilization are considered. It is emphasized that a need for economic mobilization arose relatively recently – during the World War I when many-millioned armies were deployed, which in their turn required huge material resources. The world experience of mobilization deployment during the First World War is analyzed: the experience of Western European states is studied on the example of Germany, England and France, as well as Japan. The reasons prevented the rapid deployment of military production are established. It is established that the mobilization deployment of the economy as a process of turning the country's military and economic potential into a real defense power depends on many factors, including general economic capabilities of a state, the degree of readiness of its economy to switch to the wartime regime and ensure timely military production in the required volumes and assortment. Based on the analysis, the author formulated certain conclusions that can be considered at the present time when solving the problems of the mobilization economy in many countries, including the Republic of Kazakhstan.


160-164 629
The article is devoted to the introduction of innovative methods in the hotel business “Terra”. The invention offered by Apple to the restaurant at the “Terra” hotel – the use of the iPad will be a revolutionary innovation in the restaurant activities of the “Terra” hotel, replacing the usual old-style menus. As a result of innovation, both the restaurant and the guests benefit: the interactive electronic menu becomes a communication channel between them and allows the “Terra” hotel administration to organize the menu of dishes and add new dishes to it. Also, an innovative method of lifting the load of the “Tomiris” restaurant is the presence of a QR code. Thanks to the opening hours and contact information of the “Tomiris” restaurant included in the QR code, the number of orders that need to be delivered to offices and residential premises increases. With the help of a QR code, the restaurant will inform its customers about promotions, lotteries, sweepstakes, launch various loyalty programs, conduct voting and interactive surveys, and quickly get access to customer reviews about the restaurant. QR code is a marketing innovation that shows excellent results in the organization of the restaurant business. The use of the square of a two-dimensional barcode to specify the restaurant's website will allow to invite guests to join groups in social networks, and subscribe to a newsletter containing restaurant news. Using innovative technologies, “Terra” hotel gets access to the latest technologies, innovative innovations of the new century and receives a high income.


165-172 861
The authors of the article consider the reasons for the gap between the CIS countries and the leading countries in the digital economy, as well as the investment attractiveness of this area for foreign investors. If in the last century, oil and mining enterprises were the drivers of the economy, then in the 21st century, digital technologies not only penetrated into all spheres of life, but also became the main driving forces of the world economy, which explains the relevance of this article. When writing the article, a comparative analysis and a historical method of researching events, phenomena and processes were used that had a significant impact on the current situation in the CIS countries. The study showed that the CIS countries are importers of ICT, and the share of exports is insignificant. This is due to the stagnation of digital technologies in post-Soviet countries, since the countries of the post-Soviet space lived in a socialist regime for almost 70 years, which hindered the development of business in the field of high technologies. Also, the difficulties of patenting inventions, insufficient funding, the lack of appropriate regulatory legal acts, an insufficient level of infrastructure further increase the gap from digitalization. In addition, the economies of the CIS countries are still oriented mainly towards traditional industries and low technologies, where foreign investments are mainly directed.
173-179 790
The article provides a systematization of mechanisms of state support for exports in the Russian Federation within the framework of the National Project “International Cooperation and Export”. It is shown that a complex multi-level export support system operates in the Russian Federation, including a wide range of financial and nonfinancial mechanisms. The mechanisms for transforming export support instruments in the context of the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic are revealed. Deepening and expanding integration within the framework of the EAEU is fixed as a key task in the foreign policy Concept of all member States of the Eurasian economic community. It is noted that joint efforts can more effectively deal with the consequences of the global economic crisis and, in fact, the global quarantine caused by the consequences of Covid–19. The Russian market is a significant part of the import supplies of industrial enterprises of the EAEU partners, removing any restrictions related to the size of the market. In modern conditions, it is advisable to develop export support mechanisms aimed primarily at providing targeted support to non-profit companies that are exposed to market risks, including those arising under the influence of the COVID–19 pandemic.
180-187 480
The economy is formed under the influence of numerous objective factors for a given country that ensure the success of innovations. Long-term determinants of the evolution of innovative economic development are such factors as the size of the country, the wealth of different types of resources, the specifics of the historical development of state institutions and forms of business activity. The article pays special attention to the characteristics of the basic factors of influence and features of their manifestation in the economy of Kazakhstan. The type of economic system, the openness of the state's economic system, and the place of the country's industrial complex in the international division of labor are considered as external limitations of innovative development. It is concluded that in the context of globalization, the trends of modern changes in exogenous factors of innovative development are generally unfavorable for increasing innovation activity in most industries of Kazakhstan. Competition, institutions, and innovation are considered as internal factors. The foundation of an innovative economy is knowledge as a productive resource. The classification of knowledge by types of knowledge is presented: basic level of knowledge, “advanced” knowledge and innovative knowledge, and the special role of network structures in global communication is shown. Purposeful management of the system of dynamic factors of innovative development of the economy and development of mechanisms for converting new knowledge into product and / or technological innovations are designed to improve the efficiency of this process. At the same time, it is noted that the adaptability of institutions to innovative processes is more important than the concentration of resources on priority areas of industries.
188-194 585
The article examines the efficiency of various international expertise in adopting the innovative environment among small and medium-sized enterprises sector and creating similar innovative potential in Kazakhstan. SMEs sector is considered a vital part of any single economy of the world, there a lot of explanations on this situation, such as an increase of job opportunities and rise of GDP; therefore there is a huge number of different practices implemented in order to increase the efficiency and benefits of this market. In addition, this research describes not only possible measures to improve the business environment for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in general, but also concrete measures aimed at directly stimulating SMEs. While some developed countries introduced the newest innovative financial platforms such as getting SMEs in IPO, developing countries can still use the opportunities to fight against poverty in cooperation with international organizations that provide world-class training for SMEs. Additionally, the significance of a digitalization of operational processes of SMEs is emphasized. Although different practices can make a significant contribution on their own, it is argued that the policies of creating an innovative environment should be multi-sided, involving different activities implemented simultaneously, not only focusing on governmental support, but also innovating new independent projects with the help of the government. The conclusions received in this research provides the basis for the adoption of these methods and practices in the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Central Asian countries.
195-201 637
The article considers the relationship between the influence of innovative factors and the gross regional product. The following statistically observable indicators were selected as factors: the level of productivity in the field of innovation and the volume of innovative products (goods, services). The calculations were performed using the method of correlation analysis for thirteen regions and three cities of National significance. Official statistics for 2011–2019 were used. Correlation analysis of statistical data for the Republic of Kazakhstan showed strong or close correlation between the parameters under consideration. The level of activity in the field of innovations for 2011–2019 is shown, sources of financing of the volume of innovative products for 2011–2019 are given, correlation coefficients are calculated for the Republic of Kazakhstan as a whole and for the regions of the Republic. The following variables were included in the correlation: gross regional product, level of innovation activity, and volume of innovation output. The method of statistical data processing, i.e. correlation analysis, is applied. Correlation analysis reveals the closeness of the studied objects. Mathematical processing of the obtained data was carried out using computer programs using the “Excel” and “Statistica 10” packages. The relationship between GRP variables and the level of innovation activity is evaluated, as well as the relationship between GRP variables and the volume of innovative products. It is concluded that the volume of innovative products allocated by the state and the level of activity in the field of innovation strongly affects the level of GRP.
202-207 613
This article considers the theoretical and methodological foundations and experience in assessing the development of some of the most famous integration associations in the world. In modern conditions, practically no country in the world can effectively develop without interacting with other countries. Countries are united based on their political, economic, geopolitical or geoeconomic interests. To realize these interests, various integration groups are being created. Today, there are about 300 regional trade agreements in force in the world, including agreements on economic integration, on the formation of customs unions and agreements with a partial scope of action, covering a certain list of products. The goals of countries' participation in integration associations may differ depending on the level of their economic development. At the same time, successful integration associations have a "core of integration" – a country or a group of countries that are the driving force behind the integration processes. Integration potential is a combination of natural, industrial, labor, financial, intellectual and other resources of the countries participating in the integration association, the joint mutually beneficial use of which can provide an integration effect, expressed in additional benefits and advantages for the participating countries. The idea of comparing integration associations by a set of indicators is not new. Similar studies were carried out by many international organizations, research institutes, and regulatory bodies of integration associations in order to assess how the creation of this or that integration group corresponds to the interests of the international economy as a whole.
208-213 835
The analysis of the efficiency of public administration is one of the most pressing problems, both in theory and in practice. For the further development of a socially oriented state in Kazakhstan, it becomes increasingly important to study theoretical and methodological problems of determining the efficiency of local authorities. The practical significance of the research carried out by the authors lies in the fact that the theoretical provisions, methodological approaches and practical conclusions developed and reasoned in it make it possible to determine the prospects for the development of the system of interbudgetary relations both at the republican and regional levels of government, to substantiate the directions of implementation of the tasks set in this connection, contribute to positive socioeconomic transformations taking place in the regions of Kazakhstan. The study of the problems of the formation of interbudgetary relations is also in the center of attention of economic science. In this regard, the authors in the article define the tasks of increasing the efficiency of the work of local authorities and reforming the system of interbudgetary relations. The subject of the research is the interaction of public authorities and representatives of local self-government in the modernization of inter-budgetary relations to ensure the socio-economic development of the region, increase the level of economic efficiency of local authorities. Evaluations of the efficiency of public authorities are becoming an important tool in innovative management technologies.
214-218 729
Brand as a concept and as a research topic is widely discussed in the academic world. A considerable number of scientific articles by foreign scientists are devoted to the study of brands and brands of cities.It should be noted, that there is no common understanding of the brand as a concept among experts and researchers. For example, some researchers define a brand as a trade mark that has a high reputation to a consumer, while others associate the concept of brand with a concept of image. Each scientist or specialist takes into account the specifics of the brand or the nuances of the brand, and this all complicates the interpretation of the brand, as well as its management. The situation is the same when it comes to the concept of a city brand. There are many definitions that explain what this concept means. For example, a city brand is a set of general associations that arise among residents and visitors of the city when this city is mentioned. However, it should be noted that the formation of a city brand is a set of measures aimed at creating a certain image of the city. In this case, branding of an entire city is a much more complex issue than branding a person or a product, since the target audience of a city is all citizens, tourists, officials and potential investors. Thus, the article is devoted to the definition and systematization of the concepts of “brand” and “city brand”. The author of the article analyzed the above terms which have been published in scientific scientific journals in the fields of marketing, brand management, economics and international management.
219-225 460
This article substantiates the priority directions of innovative and technological development of the agroindustrial complex of Kazakhstan at the present stage. Like the national innovation system of Kazakhstan as a whole, the scientific and innovative infrastructure of the country's agro-industrial complex, including agriculture, demonstrates a low ability to develop a critical mass of high-tech innovative technologies developed by domestic scientists and introduced into production. The current situation is aggravated by the low financial and investment potential of farmers ' entrepreneurs and the lack of an effective system for developing and distributing in-demand innovative knowledge and technology among agricultural producers, as is widely used in world practice. To solve these problems, the authors conducted a theoretical study of the possibilities of using the mechanism of public-private partnership and developing the activities of centers for the dissemination of innovative knowledge. In accordance with the best international practice, these measures are the main directions for increasing the scientific and innovative potential of entrepreneurs and farmers in Kazakhstan. Based on the analysis of international experience in applying the main forms of public-private partnership in the scientific and innovative sphere of the agro-industrial complex, priority measures are proposed to enhance the participation of institutional investors in long-term financing of hightech projects in agriculture. In conclusion, recommendations for further improving the scientific and innovative potential of agricultural producers in the country, including measures of state and institutional support for innovation processes, as well as mechanisms for creating a network for the dissemination of innovative knowledge among farmers are presented.
226-231 508
The article presents elements and ways to improve the mechanism of innovative development of agriculture in the Turkestan region in the context of the pandemic. Agriculture is the most important branch of agriculture, which affects the state of food security of the country and serves to develop the raw material base for the agroindustrial complex. However, the worldwide pandemic has had a significant negative impact on the development of agriculture in Kazakhstan, including the development of agriculture. This effect was observed in all sectors of the industry, therefore no doubt that the development of the agrarian economy of the Turkestan region, and accordingly obtaining effective results is impossible without innovative development in the sector and improving the mechanisms of development planning of crop production. The features of the modern development of domestic agriculture are the deterioration of its material and technical base, low investment potential of the industry, high production and financial risks, unsatisfactory condition of land, underdeveloped seed production system, as well as unbalanced intersectoral exchange. All this indicates the need for timely justification of priority areas for planning innovative development of crop production, as well as the need for a comprehensive economic assessment of their implementation. It requires in-depth study of methodological issues of implementation of technical, technological and biological innovations available on the regional, national and global agri-food markets.At the same time, during a pandemic, there is a need to change the functions of government bodies in the field of agriculture. In this regard, much attention is paid to improving the management tools of local executive bodies in the field of agriculture.
232-239 709
This article is devoted to finding a solution to the issue of food security, which is vital for each country. The article substantiates the importance of the country's food industry in ensuring food security by providing the population with a wide range of food products that ensure a balanced diet, thanks to the use of modern resource-saving technologies. The authors note the benefits of industrial processing of agricultural raw materials into finished food products and the importance of the food industry for the socio-economic development of the country. The authors point out such characteristic features of the organization of the industry as combining the processing of a variety of raw materials, production of various types of food and beverages, dependence on the natural and climatic characteristics of territories and the level of their economic development. The article substantiates the factors of development of the food industry. It is noted that the level of development of the food industry is influenced by the purchasing power of the population and investment attractiveness of the region, changes in consumer demand and preferences that occur under the influence of scientific and technological progress. It also provides an overview of the global food industry market, trends in its development, describes the industries of countries, and highlights the leading companies in the industry. The main problems hindering the development of the country's food industry are identified. Measures are outlined to address them based on the country's existing potential based on PPP, providing preferences to entrepreneurs in order to activate their activities, and combining the efforts of all stakeholders.
240-244 572
The telecommunications industry is one of the few sectors of the national economy that has managed to survive a period of general decline in the national economy and is currently an attractive niche for attracting investment. This industry is characterized as the “circulatory” system of the state. In addition, the telecommunications industry is the most important sector of the economy, ensuring the functioning and coordination of all government systems and, of course, is currently designated as dynamically developing. All this determines the interest and relevance for the author's research. The article discusses the conceptual construct of studying the real sector of the economy in the framework of management approaches. The main positions of the Strategic Plan for the Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan up to 2025 and the «Digital Kazakhstan» Program in the framework of the strategic planning of the national economy are stipulated and specified. The development of the telecommunications market, which is becoming the most important element of the economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and strengthening the country's authority in the international community, has been systematized. On the example of «KazTransCom» JSC, the production activity of a telecommunications enterprise is shown taking into account the use of elements of
modern management, including the competency model. The author’s research results are shown, the goal of which is the achievement of strategic goals by the personnel of a particular enterprise. The article discusses the issues of qualitative growth of the telecommunications system, the competitiveness of the industry. Attention is focused on modern industry trends and prospects. According to the results of the study, relevant conclusions were drawn related to the feasibility of monitoring.
245-249 835
Within the framework of one of the main directions of the implementation of the state program “Digital Kazakhstan”, the digitalization of the economic sectors is envisaged, the tasks of which include the construction and effective functioning of an intelligent energy system. The modern global economy is undergoing a cultural shift towards digital transformation, where the main processes are being transferred to digital businesses, which are providing technical optimization, new revenue streams and opportunities for creating value. The authors of the article consider the issues of introducing digital technologies into the activities of enterprises in the energy industry. It is noted that, despite the understanding of the relevance of digitalization, the digital maturity of industry enterprises is still insufficient, which increases the importance of combining industry enterprises in a consortium.This article substantiates the use of digital technologies in the energy sector to solve traditional problems: coverage of services of energy companies in all regions of the country, ensuring an uninterrupted and sufficient volume of energy supply services, reducing the price level and protecting the environment. The authors identified and substantiated the main factors of the digital transformation of energy systems: digitalization, decentralization and decarbonization. The article formulates the criteria for the transition of an enterprise to the digital status and notes its advantages. The article outlines the main digital transformation technologies and their application features: artificial intelligence, blockchain, Big Data and data management. It presents the facts of foreign practice of digitalization of the energy industry.
250-257 618
Natural gas occupies one of the leading places in the energy system of the modern world. More and more countries are using environmentally friendly raw materials for domestic needs, moving away from coal consumption due to the decarbonization policy. The article provides an overview and analysis of data on two leaders in natural gas deposits in Europe: Norway and the Netherlands. Special attention is paid to the history of the development of the kingdoms gas market and its impact on the formation of this industry in the European Community and in the world. Both the largest deposits of Troll and Groningen and little-known small deposits discovered at the moment, such as Ekofix, Frigg, Drogen, Ozberg, OrmenLang, F4B, K5A, F4, FA and others, are considered. The development of oil and gas resources on the Norwegian Continental Shelf has followed different paths since the first commercial production of hydrocarbons began in 1971. All licensees on the Norwegian Continental Shelf are responsible for the sale of their own gas. In contrast, the Netherlands, which required very large investments for the development of the Groningen field, developed a new type of take or pay – “take or pay” contract, and the gas price was tied to the oil price to return a large amount of public investment. Some results on the development of the industry in the countries have been summed up.
258-264 1267
The rapid development of the pharmaceutical market is determined by its life priority, since from the very beginning of life, humanity requires the regular consumption of drugs and medical devices to maintain the level of health necessary for a full life. The pharmaceutical market is an important sector of the economy of any country as a criterion for economic and social development, the well-being of the population. The developed pharmaceutical industry of a country is a highly innovative indicator of its economy. Pharmaceuticals have become the most profitable industry for investors today. The pharmaceutical market in Kazakhstan is the largest and most structured in Central Asia. However, it is weaker compared to the CEE (Central and Eastern Europe) market in terms of the business environment and its volume. This article summarizes how some of the current pharmaceutical companies were formed and how they reached maturity. There are a number of challenges facing the drug discovery industry as a whole, whether the company is a large pharmaceutical company or a biotech company that is just getting started. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current state of the pharmaceutical market in Kazakhstan, including a brief excursion into the history of its development and immediate prospects, based on the data of the following international and domestic organizations. The article examines the pharmaceutical market of Kazakhstan, including the production of basic pharmaceutical products, and also conducts a SWOT analysis of the pharmaceutical industry in Kazakhstan, describes the concept of a medicine market, analyzes the economic laws used in the market and its features.
265-268 880
The purpose of this work is to study the role of the human factor in crisis management. Crisis is an objective phenomenon in the socio-economic system. This view is consistent with the understanding that the functioning and development of the socio-economic system is based on controlled human activity. The desire to effectively manage it can be expressed in the desire to expand the scope of management, i.e. to reduce the share of unmanaged processes. Crisis is an inevitable and normal phenomenon for the market organization of the economy, but it is completely abnormal for society in its fundamental anti – human socio-Darwinian essence, destroying and destroying the spiritual basis of the development of society. Crisis is always considered a fall to a greater or lesser extent, a departure or a jump back, a surrender of positions. According to many western researchers, educational readiness is more effective in the production and use of their "health capital" by people: they lead a healthy lifestyle, choose professions that are not too dangerous and harmful for them, etc. In addition, higher education and health status can have an independent
impact in any situation.
269-273 675
High-quality corporate governance is a prerequisite for the success of the bank in the competitive market. In its turn, an efficiently built corporate governance system helps the company increase profits, build the right development vector, as corporate governance provides the basis for setting goals for the company, as well as identifying tools for their achievement and control. Banks that plan to increase their competitiveness over western competitors need to deal closely with corporate governance issues. On the one hand, to strengthen the corporate governance system or build an effective management system, as well as to establish the selection of reliable counterparties. JSC “People’s bank of Kazakhstan” implements a similar corporate governance practice also in other Halyk Group organizations, and believes that this contributes to the improvement and uniform understanding of corporate governance principles throughout the group. The topic of corporate governance is of interest to both companies in the real sector of the economy and their partners and contractors to increase capitalization. The corporate governance principles are designed to achieve economic goals, improving investor confidence, the correct distribution of capital of companies.
274-278 370
Liquidity is an important factor for the proper functioning of the securities market. Deeply liquid markets allow investors buy or sell large amounts of securities without affecting their prices. Liquidity of securities may affect their prices and frequency of trades: investors would sell papers with discount or wait for relevant buyers with adequate prices. There is low liquidity of corporate bonds markets in countries with emerging economies. During crisis time in the market the risk of liquidity emerges and bonds become quite difficult to sell, not to mention the sale under usual conditions. From foreign investors’ perspective bonds issued in local currency could be risky as well. During market crisis the correlation between liquidity and currency strength becomes positive. On some emerging markets there was a problem of pricing of bonds due to few trades with bonds. Absence of daily quotes for corporate bonds under conditions of low liquidity of government bonds could pose a problem. For instance, in the bond market in Chile despite of institutional investors, there was no daily market value of bonds due to low market liquidity. The author analyzed trades with corporate bonds for the last 5 years. The author found out low frequency of trades and absence of up to date prices for some maturities. As a result, the Kazakhstan securities market operates a fragmented interest rate yield curve with yields on multiple maturities.
279-285 1199

The article raises the issue of conflict of interest and its prevention. The first threat of a conflict of interest in general is a violation of the balance between the personal interests of civil servants and the public interest. And the second risk is that a conflict of interest reduces the level of public trust and confidence in the loyalty and impartiality of public officials. This article analyzes and studies the real form of conflict of interest in Kazakhstan, namely two gift policy options. In particular, the zero gift policy and the limited gift ban policy are the subject of this research. On the one hand, the gift policy may completely prohibit accepting the gifts in order to prevent conflicts of interest. This zero gift policy implies that there is a ban for any gifts, regardless of the price. The establishment of a zero gift policy affects the level of confidence in the government, since citizens know that no factors affect the performance of a civil servant’s work. However, this will significantly restrict the freedom of action of civil servants. On the other hand, the gift policy can determine the rules for accepting the gifts both at workplace and after the work hours. If a gift is permissible, then there is a question of establishing an acceptable price. This means adopting a policy of limited prohibition on gifts and such a policy promotes the development of civil servants' consciousness. As a result, the author suggests a more favorable policy for Kazakhstan.


286-293 477
This article considers the process of public funding of higher education with the account of international experience. Theoretically, the content of higher education is considered. Public and personal benefits in higher education determine it as a quasipublic good. World practice testifies to state financing of higher education. In the countries of the world, the state fully or partially finances higher education. The determining factor in human capital is higher education. State grants for higher education are in the form of vouchers and are applied on the principle of "money followed by the student." But there is a peculiarity of the implementation of the principle, which consists in securing the state educational grant to the institution of higher education chosen by the еnrollee. At the same time, social risks and burdens including psychological, stressful on enrollee were identified that necessitate a “reset” of the State Grants Program and the education system as a whole after COVID 19. In education, the necessity of changing the course from memorizing academic knowledge to the logic of thinking, acquiring professional competencies. Relatively low results of participation of Kazakhstanis in international comparative studies PISA, PIAAC, ICILS are presented. The relatively low level of education of Kazakhstani youth is systemic in nature. State funding of higher education is primarily desirable for secondary school graduates from low-income families.

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)